Don't look at me like that. That's the sound I used to make whenever I pretended to use the microwave, when I was little.
I just realized I'm making a lot of sounds recently. First "hmmm.." and now this. That reminds me, that there are some readers who asked me if what I'm writing is true or not. Or, how much of it is true.
People, I can very well assure you, whatever I'm writing in this book is 99.9% the truth. I won't say 100%. I don't trust my memory that much. It has made me go to all the wrong places. Some details might be misplaced, but rest all is true.
So yes! My teacher called me khandavi!
Yes! I called my class teacher jumbo!
Yes! I've never had a relationship!
Yes! I'm a mediocre student!
Yes! I once got lost in the hospital!
Wait a minute... I haven't told you about the last one, have I?
Well it happened quite some years ago. I would be around six or seven. My mom was in the hospital for her delivery. (I have a badass chubby-bunny sister) we were in the hospital for the regular visits.
I used to love elevator rides at that time. So before ANYone could even reach me, I stepped inside the elevator and pressed whichever button I liked. (Most probably 2 because I considered it my lucky number.)
I expected my dad to be there when the door opened by he wasn't there. (Obviously.) But then a lady doctor entered the lift and smiled at me. (I was a very grumpy kid so I didn't smile back.) She asked me which floor I'd like to go to. My mom has made we well aware that I should stay away from strangers, so told her I could manage on my own. That made her laugh. She then took me to the ground floor and walked me to the reception where my dad was waiting for me.
It may sound weird, but I don't remember if my dad was happy or not to see me again. He was like, "I knew I'll find you anyway." But the doctor was very happy to see the family reunion.
And from that day, I decided I wanted to be a doctor.....
Pfft. Who am I kidding? I've never been that level of an idealist. I decided my subject, just as my tenth standard was about to be over. And doctor, well, that's just something I want to tell the world I'm capable of being. There's no big shot swanky Dr. Doctor in our close relations. I wanna change that.
When I think about elevators, a lot of memories come back. For example, how my brother got that perfect lipstick mark exactly over his heart! (Before you take the flight of imagination, I think I should make it clear that it was on his shirt, which was over his heart.) When I say brother, I mean my cousin brother. My parents didn't intend to make a rugby team while they were family planning. It's just me and my sister.
So we were going to a wedding. As we entered a lift, two girls were rushing towards us and were asking us to wait. My brother kept the lift open for them. First, one girl smoothly entered the elevator, and stood behind me. But the second, oh boy, she slipped and fell on my brother. And hence he got that perfect lip impression which was ever unsuccessful to remove. I and my another brother (OMG that rhymed) kept wiggling our eyebrows at him, as we teased him. He'd just brush us off saying that it was just an accident.
TBH, Anna (brother) if you're reading this, let me tell you that you were a horrible liar. No matter how much you denied, we could see the honey glow on your cheeks.
*Wiggles eyebrows*
Jesus!! I love teasing people!!
Too bad they never got together. Maybe because she already had a boyfriend. Maybe because he already had a girlfriend. Or maybe because they were too much of strangers to be together. Whatever it was. There's no denying that, that girl had great genes.
It's so strange that people are more invested in other's relationship than their own. Either they are happy to live a relationship through other's experience. Or they are happy to see a couple fight and think, 'its a good thing I'm not in a relationship.'
In both of them, the listers are happy. That eplains why the juicy stuffs travel faster than important once.
NEWS: UNICEF works around 190 countries to benefit the unfortunate children and adolescents.
PEOPLE: meh...
WHATSAPP: Rahul or Anjali ka fir se jhagda ho gya!! (Rahul and Anjali have broke up again)
PEOPLE: omfg!! Share this!! ShAre ThiS!!
That's us. The commoners. I'm not different. I too do that. Not the "meh" to the UNICEF, but "omfg" to the breakup. I keep myself updated with whatever the UNICEF is doing. I think it's a great organization. I'm planning to do whatever I can in the future to support it.
Don't worry.. I'm not going to ask you to donate something now. I can never do the asking thing. I can't even ask for extra seasoning at Pizza hut. (But I'm working on that)
You know what people? let's do some serious talk.
I know you are great people, and definitely educated, since you are reading a book online. Everyone of us wants a great future, right? But is there a problem if there are more people there? Would you not like to see more people in a more comfortable environment, performing sustainable development and helping each other out?
Ask yourself. What do you want? Do you want to get successful and have a better future? Or do want to get successful and see others suffer, so that you feel happier. (Though I don't understand how that can make others happier.)
I am not asking you to make something huge, alright. That's not possible for a single person alone. Just.. try and do things on a daily basis which can bring a change. Do not walk away when you people wasting food. I'm sure all of us know about the Robin Hood army? Call them. Being aware is the least we can do for our country.
I think that was quite an heavy topic.
One mood lightener to compensate that.
Once my sister wanted to get her eyebrows done, but my mom said she's too young for that. So she took my dad's razor and shaved off her entire left eyebrow. Just like that.
Being the lucky girl she is, the very next day, it was picture day in school.
Thanks to my fab makeup skills, I drew a prefect eyebrow for her. But I think I should have let her go to school with just one eyebrow, so she'd remember what all she isn't supposed to do.
I think this much should end it here now.
I hope I wasn't too dull today.
See ya at the next chapter!
Lv ya!!