I hate this word. Who am I kidding, it isn't even a word. What does it even mean? Is it like, "hmm.. you're right." Or is it like, "hmm? What did you say?". Or is it, "hmm. I'm not interested."
What do you want to say by that, people? What is it?! Tell me! TELL ME!!!
*Deep breathing*
Sorry for the outburst. But when I send people text, Which may not have an answer, (most probably because I don't want an answer) and people reply me with, "hmmm...", I completely lose it.
The fact that I'm writing about how much I hate this collection of word, yet I've named this chapter by it, is a mood of some other level.
The only person who never replies me with "hmm.." is Tiwari. She's my BFF ❤️. She's such a perfect friend, that I can imagine us growing weed in our backyard together, and the government won't know, because she'd have managed to get the Minister's children addicted.
Jesus!! What kind of dark shit am I talking about!
But that exactly is the level of trust and love we have for each other. Even if we die, we'll be the best gosties, spooking the hell out of people together....
.... I think I should write a novel on that too. It'll be interesting....
You know what more is the best feeling you can experience?
When you text a girl-friend of yours, addressing her as "bro" and she replies back saying "broooo".
Teenagers and young adults are the groups Which respect friendship the most. Why? Because they need friends. They need friends to go through the day to day stress. (School assignments and homeworks to be more specific.)
"Here. Copy my work." Is a line which can help you make friends very easily.
You a new student?
No problem!! Just do your homework and pass it to those who haven't, and bravo!! You are friends!!.
For the last two years, I took coaching classes at aakash. (Yeah. The sick ass, expensive, money making group of business people, who believe they can teach children.)
It's not necessary that all the extension of the institute are bad. Just the one in which I used to go.
You want an explanation for this level of disgust?
Lemme give you a proper answer.
1. We didn't have a zoology teacher for half of the session.
2. I have no idea what the botany teacher said in his alien accent.
3. When the zoology teacher did come, he was a fine ass bish. All the girls kept flirting with him (the other lady staff as well.) And then, he left. Even after he was gone, they didn't call for a new teacher and kept calling him again and again, because SOME of those bitchy popular girls, wanted him back!!!
You want me to go on?
4. After it was finally confirmed that their "dream teacher" won't come back, they hired a new faculty. He was great with the course. No doubt there. But he used to Target children.
Can you guess who was his first Target?
Drumroll please...
ME! (And my friend JD)
She and I had rhyming names, Which, for SOME reason he found weird. When ever we'd pass through his class, he'd ask students where we were going. (Some creepy auntyji habit he had.)
I think I should drop it here. This chapter would never end if I kept writting about, what all I went through in Aakash.
What to talk about next?
How many of you've heard about khandavi? It's a savory dish of Gujarat, the western past of India. It's yellow in colour and is garnished with mustard seeds.
I once had a physics teacher, Mrs Reshu Chaudhry. It was hard for her to remember student's name. On Saturday we were made to wear uniforms, which were yellow T-shirts, with black track pants. The combination ringing any bell?
During the class, she wantedto address me. She couldn't recall my name, but remembered how it sounds. She put two and two together, and gave me the name "khandavi."
I can't begin to explain how pissed I was. I worked my entire School life, talking with selected people, to maintain the mysterious personality, and BOOM!! She blows it away in a heartbeat.
I'll never forgive her for that. I can't remember names too. I won't remember a single if I don't go through it on a daily basis. (A warning for those who don't text me that often) But that doesn't gives me excuse to call people with made up names. Especially, not eatable made up names.
Whatever kind of creativity you wanna do with names, do it with YOUR child. okay?
As this chapter is about to end, I'd like to say sorry to all the teachers whom I've given Nick names. 🙄
Especially Jumbo. I've never called him by his real name, and as a result my entire family calls him "jumbo sir"
I messed up my ASL as well, because I couldn't remember his name during the recording. (I had to name my class teacher.)
I think I should end it here. hope you enjoy reading. Sorry for the mess I might have created. You'll be there in the next chapter, aye?