
Secret Love

"Then get me something from there…"

'There' was a tall, elegant building in the color of brown, bronze and gold. The huge name of the brand was attached above the sophisticated entrance.


Ara was surprised. She thought that as someone who liked traditional things, he would ask her to get something rare – something like a collector's item.

"Yeah." Ryuu simply nodded.

"Are you sure?" Ara confirmed. "I want to get you something for yuino, you know?"

"I know."

Ryuu then pulled her towards the shop, and Ara was not able to do anything but tag along. Seriously though, she wondered what's in the store that interested him. Cartier was a good and high-end store, but if it's an accessory or jewelry, there were other stores which were more compatible with his status.

Just like what happened in the previous stores they entered, the attendants immediately scrambled to assist them as soon as they crossed the threshold.