

Their relationship was not a secret, and definitely had nothing to do with love.

The ring was like an irony of their real circumstance, but Ara remained quiet as Ryuu carefully placed the jewelry on her hand. Her heart had long stopped having jitters by now, her silver-grey eyes focused not on the ring, but on Ryuu's face the whole time he was doing it.

When the ring reached its final place on her finger, Ara didn't miss the sudden tensing of Kou's body, and the changes on his expression. He had frozen momentarily, as his eyes flickered as if in realization. It was really brief – only a fraction of a second, but it was very clear to her.

Ara reckoned Kou had also realized how the ring was a mockery of their status, and was maybe regretting the impulsive gift. His hand squeezed hers, as he finally looked at her face. For Ara, his clouded gaze, and the way he held her ringed hand felt like an apology of some sort.