

Homura Ryuu took Ara to St. Luke's, the hospital where she stayed at when she had her accident so there wouldn't be any problem with hospital records. If they went somewhere new, they would have to wait a while, while the hospital requested for her files to be transferred. Also, the Koutaishidenka was satisfied with the way this hospital took good care of Ara, and so he wanted her to come here.

Some of the nurses recognized Ara when they arrived and smiled at her immediately. Ara wondered how they could still remember her when they must have tons of different patients daily. She was oblivious to the fact that with her beauty, and very rare case of rapid recuperation and sudden eye color change, she was famous among the workers at that hospital.

"Good afternoon Miss Suzuki," they greeted her with beaming smiles.

"Hi!" Ara shyly greeted them back as Ryuu escorted her to the reception area.