

"Miss Suzuki, we're happy to inform you that all your laboratory exams and scans are normal."

Ara smiled upon hearing the news. "That's great!"

Finally, they could leave. Looking at the watch, Ara was surprised that it was already evening.

"Yes," the doctor smiled kindly, but he suddenly looked worried so Ara and Ryuu stopped and looked at him with inquiring eyes. "However…"

"Is there something wrong?"Ryuu asked, his face may not show it, but there was a worry in his voice.

"Nothing that's physical," the doctor assured them again. "Like I said earlier that Miss Suzuki's tests were all good. But based on the type of episode she had earlier on the train, it seemed that psychologically, Miss Suzuki is still suffering."

"I don't understand," Ara was confused. She's okay but not her mind?