
Wicked Thoughts

An incomplete soul?

Suzuki Ara felt uncomfortable so suddenly. She had no idea why, but something about an incomplete soul's making her mind abuzz. It was as if there was something about it that she should know but couldn't find anything in her memory – and it's annoying.

"Ara, are you okay?"

Ara snapped out of her reverie, realizing she'd been staring off space for a while upon seeing her friends look at her with worry in their eyes. She gave them an assuring smile.

"Yes, yes, of course. I was just thinking about something I can't seem to remember," she said hesitantly.

They said the real Suzuki Ara acted like a programmed machine. But, in her memories, aside from being glum and uninterested about everything except that time when she saw Kou for the first time, she seemed fine although emo.

"Do you have amnesia after all?"


"Of course not," Ara looked at Rin like she asked something totally weird.