


Homura Ryuu's ice-blue gaze squinted at his fiancée, taking note of her jumpiness and the deep blush of her skin than was almost the same color as baboon's buttocks. She was fanning herself like crazy, saying she was hot, but of course he didn't buy that. It was obvious she was not telling the truth.

But it's okay. He already had an inkling what she and her friends had been talking about anyway.


His gaze swept the hall where the servants sat waiting to be called and saw their faces were red and they were not able to meet his eyes while they fought hard to keep a smile from breaking on their faces. So yeah, Ara definitely talked about something naughty towards his person.

Homura Ryuu, Koutaishidenka of the Homura House approved.

"Are my brother and Big Bro Kaze not here yet?" she asked after a while, and he gave her a knowing look, saying he knew that she was trying to divert his attention but he humored her.