

"Ara, I think after today, you may go back with your brother to Denenchofu…"


Suzuki Ara frowned as she didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

Sensing her sudden tension and withdrawal, Ryuu held her hand firmly as he looked at her straightly in the eye. "I mean only if you want. I still have something to settle in Hakone, and I would be worried that you would feel so bored at the Cedar Palace while I'm gone."


Ara finally understood what her husband meant, and she finally relaxed. She had totally thought for a while that she had misjudged him – and that he was alright getting rid of her now that she had wedded him and fulfilled her part in the prophecy.

Why was I suddenly so paranoid?

She wondered. She was never one to be so suspicious before.

With shame, she smiled sheepishly at him as she confessed. "I thought you didn't want me around anymore since we're already married."

"Of course not!"