

"Homura Ryuu, I like you…"

Suzuki Ara's voice rang clear and true within the confines of the posh vehicle, the lilting sound reverberated in his system, washing over him like welcome pleasant waves.

For the first time in this lifetime, the Koutaishidenka looked as if he just got hit by something. The flummoxed expression on his face was almost comical if it weren't for the fact that he was seriously trying to figure out if he just heard correctly.

As what Kazehaya Gin did when the prince told him that Emi liked him, Ryuu's mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for breath.


Ryuu's voice came out in wonder.

He had known that Ara had become fond of him, but she had always told him that she did, accompanied by the word "think" as if she was still unsure of her feelings. Suddenly hearing this right here and now, with her sounding so confident with her statement, he was at a loss.
