

"Homura Ara, I love you…"


It took a while before Ara finally absorbed what was told to her. Heat blazed in her chest, spreading through her system, making her show a telltale sign of embarrassment on her cheek.

However, she was more pleased than embarrassed. When she had told Ryuu that she liked him, her husband didn't reply, and so she was a bit unhappy with him earlier. But now…

"Y-you…love me?"

It was a lovely surprise. She'd never thought he'd say something so straightforward to her. But then again, Ryuu had always been blunt and honest even if it meant she would be annoyed with him.

"What's with that look? You don't believe me?" Ryuu inquired with a smug expression making Ara finally chuckle. He just asked her the very same questions she did earlier when she told him she liked him.

This smart husky.