
His Love & His Life

"Are you alright?"

Ryuu asked again, his voice laced with concern as he searched her face.

"Y-yes," Ara answered weakly, forcing the words from her mouth as she smiled.

However, since she was still much shaken from seeing someone who looked exactly like her, her voice came out small and shaky. This, of course, didn't escape her husband's notice. Ryuu frowned at her before unceremoniously lifted her up in his arms bridal style, surprising everyone including his wife.

"Hey! People are watching!"

Ara shrieked as she was carried off, but if only, the crowd just giggled at her predicament.

Because, of course, this sudden romantic gesture made the onlookers cheer all the more. They were unknowing of the scare the bride had just gone through and so the celebrations were not disrupted – well at least until they saw Homura Ryuu walked past the luncheon hall towards the private quarters where his bedroom was.