

The Story of Vladimir of Kres and the Devil's Cavern…

 "The Immortal War has finished! We have won!"

The cries of triumph echoed across Ged. The war against Czernobog's minions had been concluded, and the people and demigods of the mortal plane had prevailed.

Since the King of Heavens, Perun, had banished the Black God in the depths of hell, the latter had never given up trying to free himself and wreak havoc on the lands. However, even in his sealed state, Czernobog could still try and cause chaos every fifty years when his seal was weakened for seven days starting on the first day of either the third or fourth month of the year.

Today was the end of another Immortal War. The Gedians, the people of Ged, had won again. The hero of this war? It was none other than the young Vladimir, the Crown Prince of Kres.

"Long live the prince!"