
Not Like Me

"Look, I didn't mean to be rude okay?"

Maki Yuuka sighed heavily as she let Chiaki guide her towards the chair and made her sit. Gone was her exaggerated poise as if she was some royalty from earlier. Although she's still elegant, she slightly flopped on the chair and puffed out air like someone who just lost from the competition.

Well, it did look like she was at a competition earlier the way she strutted – although it was one-sided on her part and the other two women whom she trailed after, found out why.

"Oh, so the partially veiled hostility towards Chiaki was a joke?"Ara couldn't help but poke her with words.

Even if the woman looked like she was telling the truth now and seemed to be harmless, the animosity she had directed at Chiaki earlier was also real. Maki Yuuka should fess out what she meant by those hostile looks first if she wanted Ara to listen to her.
