

"I think I know why Suzuki Aki chose you…"

Maki Yuuka's voice came out as a sigh, her voice ringing with a bit of envy but without the malice that one would expect from someone who's jealous.

Asou Chiaki, on the other hand, looked embarrassed with her cheeks crimson from blushing. It really appeared as if her romantic relationship with Suzuki Aki was real, and she was affected by the compliments. She cleared her throat, looking awkward and cute in spite of her age. Chiaki looked unsure about what to say so she just accepted the other's words as praises.  

"Er… thanks…"

Suzuki Ara, of course, chose not to comment about it. It was better that people would continue to believe that Chiaki and her brother were an item so it would be easier for everyone to get used to the idea. When the two finally got involved for real, no one would be surprised anymore.