
Can't Be Helped

"Please tell your master that the Young Master Kazehaya Aoi of the Cedar Palace is here to see him…"

The attendant blinked several times before he snapped back to the present. Normally, he'd never let anyone in until Maki Eito allowed them. However, this was a special circumstance due to the special identities of the guests. Then again, if he let them inside, he didn't know how to inform his master since he was not really familiar with Kazehaya Aoi, although the name Kazehaya indicated that he was related to Kazehaya Gin.

Sensing the attendant's hesitation, Shiro took out a name card from his wallet and handed it to the man. The man took his name card with a slightly trembling hand and read it before looking back at Shiro in shock.

"M-Mr. Arima Shiro," the attendant stuttered as he stared at him with wide-eyes.  "I'm so sorry for being rude. Please come in," he announced without hesitation this time and opened the door very wide to let them in.