
Better Candidate

"They will. It's why you have to stay here with us for a while," Gin told Yuuka just as his phone rang, and he frowned.

He just talked to Aoi earlier when they arrived at the Maki Household, informing him about the intensity of the miasma surrounding the house. His brother asked him what to do in case they were too late and a shadow lurker had already been born from all of the negative energy. He told him to deal with it. His only concern was to get the Maki couple safely. But if Aoi was calling, it meant that there was a bit of a setback.

"Excuse me, I'll just answer this call," he said as he left.

He didn't bother waiting for the others' reply. He just rushed to the other side of the house so that they wouldn't hear his conversation. "What is it?" he asked as soon as he was out of hearing distance.

Well, at least out of Yuuka's hearing distance. The deities in the house could clearly listen to him.