
Her Mother

Heavy lids fluttered as she slowly came awake. In a few seconds, she's able lift them and open her eyes. The world was a colorful blur at the beginning, and she had to blink several times before she's able to focus. A familiar room welcomed her sight.


Alinea shifted on the futon, attempting to rise but nausea assailed her. Her gut churned as a strong urge to hurl its contents came to her.

"Here," a soft voice said and she felt a firm but gentle hand guided her to turn to the side where a basin was waiting. She didn't care. She just retched until her stomach stabilized.

Sweat beaded her forehead, her hands cold and clammy. She couldn't remember when was the last time she'd felt such a bad case of motion sickness. It was awful, most especially since she hated vomiting.

"Are you okay now?"the soft voice asked again followed by a gentle kneading on her back.