
Exciting News

"Hey Ali, are you awake?" Ivan called out excitedly as he moved the screen door but stopped upon seeing Ryuu. "Ooops sorry gramps."

Ryuu sighed heavily. "Stop calling me grandpa. I feel like a cradle snatcher."

"You're a cradle snatcher," Alinea reminded him as she stuck her tongue out making Ryuu depressed.

She laughed. "I'm just kidding, my love. I'm the one who snatched you, remember? I even sent you my beloved chicken."

With her words, Ryuu let out another sigh obviously exasperated but let himself be consoled.  He would forgive her anything in any case, most especially when she smiled at him.

"Why are you so excited by the way?" Ryuu asked Ivan who stayed quiet as he got bullied by his wife.

As if remembering his purpose of coming, Ivan perked up. "Ah, Ritz and the others are back," he announced.

"My father and the others left?"Alinea asked with a frown.