

"Ara, you're finally here!"

Alinea smiled hearing the name. In the past few days, people in her family had switched to calling her Alinea, but legally, she's still Homura Ara. Since she decided to use her name in Ged, her husband also gave her time to think about whether she wanted to use that name legally. But now that she saw her schoolmates again, she thought she would keep her Japanese name while on Earth, the Homura House needn't change the people's memories for her. After all, they had done more than enough memory manipulation in the last few days.

"Suzuki, you're late!"

Alinea grinned at the club members as she entered the room. She carried two bags with boxes of sweets from Kuuya and placed them on the table. She then placed her hands together and asked for forgiveness.

"Sorry. I had to do something important suddenly," she apologized with a sheepish smile.