

"While we are away, all authority concerning Homura International will be handed to Arima Shiro," Kazehaya Gin announced.

The young CEO sat at the head of the long table in the conference room. All the executives and board members of the company were present. Why? It's because aside from the Young Master Gin, the Koutaishidenka was also present. Each and every one in the room was very much aware of the lone man sitting at the corner of the room, looking at them solemnly with his blue gaze.

Today, they had announced that the CEO and the Koutaishidenka would be going abroad with Kazehaya Sora and their wives on a family retreat that would take a while. It was not unusual for the family to go into seclusion, but this would be the first time that this would be happening in this generation. Still, there was no problem.