She was so sick of hearing about them. Everywhere she went someone was bringing them up. Whether it was at a coffee shop or at a shoe store. It was a non ending cycle. At work it only got worst, guess that's what happens when you're the best hairstylist in your shop. The only one that could properly give you red hair without damaging it too much and give you the haircut you didn't know you needed.
It was 8:54 and she had an appointment at 9 but so many people were crowding the streets.
It sucked having the hair shop near MetLife stadium.
She arrived to work and got the clients hair done, the client wanted sweet pastel pink highlights done to her blonde hair. 2 hours later her hair was done and as she left she noticed she had been wearing a BTS hoodie.
It was 6pm. The end of the shift came and she was on her way home.
As she walked out she saw people falling from the sky and then their parachutes opened. The loud screaming was unbearable.
*Really? That was their great entrance? Parachuting of a plane into the stage?* She thought to herself.
At around 10 pm her alarm went off. She had one more appointment left, she was hoping the client would've called to cancel but that wasn't the case. She hated the idea that the salon was open 24 hours, but she needed the money so couldn't do much about it.
As she walked out a sweet mesmerizing smell was calling out to her. It was the donuts from down the street. She realized how long it had been since she had one.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Hello" she picked up the phone. "Hello?"
No one answered. She hung up and began walking towards the Dunkin Donuts.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
She was by the door and looked down to grab her phone from her purse.
"Hello?" She put the phone by her ear and began to look up and reach for the door. Suddenly the door burst open.
"Hi I know it's last minute but I'm calling to cancel my appointment at 10:30 tonight. I won't be rescheduling sorry." Then she hung up.
By this time she was on the floor and her nose was bleeding.
"Are you okay?! I'm so so sorry!" Said a boy in a red hoodie, he had dropped his hot chocolate and was standing by her. He reached out to help her stand. She hit his hand out the way.
"I'm okay" she said and got up.
"Here take this" he pulled out some tissues from his pocket and handed it to her.
She grabbed them and help one gainst her nose.
"Here I'll take you to the doctors" He said.
"No it's okay" she said and she walked into the store. She headed straight for the bathroom.
She walked into the bathroom and the blood of her face. The bleeding had stopped so she went back out. The least she could do was get herself a donut since she was here anyways.
As she walked out she saw the boy was waiting for her at a table.
She walked past him and went straight towards the register. Suga was amused, she didn't know him, or at least didn't recognize him.
She was about to confirm her order when she heard someone come up behind her.
"Can you add a two hot chocolates to that? " then he looked at her "don't worry I have this " and he pulled out a $20 bill to pay. "You can keep the change" he told the cashier.
He smiled and looked at her, "The names Aaron, what's yours?" He held out his hand for a shake.
"Ally," she said, but didn't shake his hand, "thank you, don't worry about the door it was an accident." She grabbed her donut and began to walk.