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Suga grabbed the two cups and ran towards her. "Hey hold on" he yelled out. She turned to look at him. The nights lit up the sky and the full moon was glistening. "Here" he handed her the hot chocolate. "It's late you shouldn't be walking home alone, you don't know what could happen, there's many dangerous people out there"

It took Ally a second to process what had just been said,"how can I be sure you're not dangerous," she scoffed "I don't even know you"

"You're right." He replied, and then smiled, "So what if you get to know me?"

She looked at him, questioning whether or not he was serious.

"It's New York City, there's different places that are still open this late like mini golfing, movies, the diner?" He looked at her full of hope.

She wanted to say no but then he continued, "one hour, just one hour, we'll be in a public place so you don't have to worry."

Suga has forgotten what it was like to be unknown, everywhere he went people wanted to see him because of his fame not because of himself. He wanted to know what it was like to be himself.

Ally didn't know what to say, she hadn't gone out in so long and forgot what it was like to interact with other people. She finally answered, "sure, but only an hour"

He smiled, "wanna go to the movies?"

"I think a movie is more then an hour long" she answered.

"Who said anything about watching a movie,"

She didn't know what he meant but he had already began walking.

They arrived to the amc theater and he walked in and bought a big bucket of popcorn and two water cups. She has noticed he had put a black face mask on.

He walked towards the arcade "how good are you at racing? Bet you can't beat me! " he said.

She felt up for the challenge, "Please I am a beast at racing" they each got into the car racing game and went against each other.

Ally won the first round

"I let you win, rematch" Suga said, rematch.

"Oh please. Aaron was it? That was pure skill" she answered back while grabbing a handful of popcorn. "But okay rematch I'm ready to beat you again."

Ally was genuinely smiling for the first time in so long.

After two more round of Ally winning, Suga gave up.

"Okay what about air hockey, that I've beat Ju- i mean I've beat all my friends in that plenty of times" he said.

"Hmm I'm not the best at that, so who knows maybe you'll win this time." She smiled

He smiled back, "Don't think I'll go easy on you because you're not good"

Ally tuned around to go to the other side of the table. She got ready and the game began. As they began she yelled out, "hey what's that mask for,"

Suga looked around and saw that there weren't very many people there and took it off, "no reason I just felt like a cool kid with SWAGGG" and the pocket went it, "POINTTT!

5 minutes later the game ended and Suga had all the points, "looks like we're tied up, I've won one game and you won't the other, let's leave it there because we don't want any hurt feelings and by we I mean because this is all I'm good at,"

Ally laughed, "yeah me too, it's better to leave it there,"

"Woah we only have 30 minutes left, let's finish it with some food, because dinner is not good enough" Suga told her.

"Hmm, I wonder where to?"

"Oh I know this great place called McDonalds it's right across the street and they're known for being super fast," he attempted to say with a straight face.

Ally laughed, "oh really I think I've heard of it before, they have really good mcchickens and fries."

"Let's go then." They walked across the street together.

Suga our his mask back on, this particular McDonald's had two floors. The first floor was packed. They went upstairs and Suga pointed out a table that was a bit hidden behind the wall and against the windows. Suga day facing the window so that he wouldn't be recognized when he took off the mask.

"I'll go get the food, wait for me here" suga said and went downstairs to place the order. He came back up two minutes later with two trays in hand. "This was made by the great chef of America so make sure not to leave without finishing it" he told her

"Trust me I haven't had dinner all day and this smells amazing." She replied. "So mr mysterious Aaron, tell me a bit about yourself, where do you work?"

"I'm a song writer for a small company," he replied. "What about you"

"I'm a hair stylist, at a hair salon named Mini's, it's near the MetLife Stadium."

"Oh lucky you, you get to hear the performances of different artists," he answered, he was a bit on edge, what if she knew him and was pretending not to.

"Not really, traffic always gets worst when someone's performing and I can hear it from the salon, it gets annoying. Like this morning a group called BTS, was performing and I just couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh you don't like them," he answered. He was in shock and a bit upset.

"I've never heard their music, or know them, I'm not really into all that, I kind of just work and sleep, maybe go out in the middle of the night with strangers every night and then."

Suga chuckled, " Oh yeah me too, except I'm normally busy traveling with my company, do you have any idea how many different parts there are to travel when you're a songwriter, it's crazyyyy"

"I don't believe that"

" I wouldn't either"

They continued talking, it was 11:30 and they were on their way out.

"Do I have permission to drop you off at home now," suga asked.

"I think you've earned it," on the walk home they kept talking. Suga was amazed by this girl. Not that she was anything out of the ordinary, in fact she was the most ordinary person he'd ever met.

He could tell his fate had gotten better.

***Back at the hotel*** 10:30 pm

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Oh sugey poo, we're ordering take out, your favorite, do you want anything" Jhope yelled. He knocked again. "SUGA IF YOU'RE SLEEPING AGAIN IM GONNA COME IN AND BEAT YOU UP. SUGAAAAA!!"