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"Please don't do this, we both agreed, this is the best thing we can do," V said.

He kept his composure and made sure she couldn't hear any of the cracks in his voice and wouldn't pick up how hurt he was. He heard her sobbing through the phone. His heart hurt.

Another tear fell.

"No we didn't both agree, you were the one that chose for it to be that way, but I don't agree," she took a deep breath and tried to sound a bit calm. "okay, maybe with Seasons comeback I'm a bit busy, and you're busy with your tour , but we can push past this. I know it can be dangerous for me since Seasons only debuted 10 months ago, but I was willing to risk us, because I love you, you've helped me through so much, I can't not have you here, you know this, you been there through everything I've gone through, you're my rock, my person, I've given you all of me, please don't end us., this is an obstacle we can fight through."

"I can't be worrying about whether something will happen to you, a scandal like this would end not just your career, but it would end everything Seasons has worked for, its a total of 6 girls careers , not just yours, you can't be selfish," V said.

She tried to stop him, "Hold o—."

V didn't let her continue,"It's dangerous and you know it, you have a bright future ahead and I don't wanna be the reason it ends. I love you so much it hurts and you know this. You're the only one that's been there for me since I was a trainee. This ending, it's not forever. I'll wait for you. I will always wait for you, but i don't want to be the reason Season disbands or gets a bad reputation, you've worked hard to get there, and you're the leader so they all look up to you," by this time V had started crying, "Please don't make this harder, I'm trying to do the right thing, please, understand, I'm doing this for your own good, I don't wanna be the reason you're unhappy in the future."

"I understand, but you say you don't wanna be the reason I'm unhappy in the future, don't worry, you won't be. You're the reason I'm unhappy now. You promised me to stay together through thick and thin, but you're leaving me now. You can keep waiting, but I can't promise I'll way for you. Good bye Tae."

She hung up.

V sat down on the stairs, he buried his head in his arms and let out all the tears he had been holding in. His heart and just been ripped out of his chest.