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On that clear night the full moon and stars lit the sky. A cool breeze waved around, turning what was normally a hot summer night, into the perfect night. Suga was about to pull out his phone, but then he realized that she would know who he is by his lock screen. He picked a different method.

"Could I put my number into your phone?" He asked.

"Why not the other way around?" She questioned him.

"Because, I wanna know if I was good enough for you to still keep in contact without feeling pressured," he said, "if after today you decide you never want to see me again, you can go ahead and delete it, if not I'm a text away." He opened his hand in front of her and waited for the phone, wondering if she'd actually do it.

She hesitated at first, looked at him, and then loved her phone in his hand.

"I'll take that as a good sign," Suga answered.

"You never know, I could totally be messing with your head right now. You might never get a message from me," Ally said.

"I don't think you're that kind of girl," he said and gave her a Sutton wing.

"Wow, it took one hour you to know what kind of girl I am?" She chuckled

"Actually it's been an hour and a half. I know… time flies by when you're with me," he said sarcastically.

"Well mr. hour and a half, you're already past your time limit and i have to go, bye," she turned around and began walking into her apartment.

"I'll be waiting on your text," he yelled as she closed the door. He ran outside and jumped. He stopped a taxi and got a ride back to the hotel. He was gonna go talk to Jin but no sound was coming. Out of his room so he assumed he was sleeping.

Suga went back to his room and went to sleep since it was already very late.

When he woke up the next day he had three new messages.

The first one read, "group breakfast at 11 am. Meet in my room." It was from Jhope.

The next one said, "Do you have pockys?" It was from RM.

The last one read, "save my number- Ally"

He jumped off his bed and ran into each emme es room and began knocking till they each opened the doors.

"Listen here Suga, not all of us went to sleep early like you, so help me-"

"Let's go to breakfast guys my treat," Suga interrupted.

"No it's 8 am i still get 1 more hour of sleep, said Jimin and started to walk back.

"Wait no he's right, plus we're already awake might as well," chimed Jungkook.

"Yeah he's right," agreed Jin.

"I'm down if you guys are," said Namjoon.

"Fine," said Jhope, "and yes you're coming Jimin."

"Ughh but my beauty sleep," Jimin felt all eyes on him so changed his answer, "fine I'm going I'm going."

"I think it's better for me to stay guys, I'm really really tired," said Tae.

Everyone gave him an eye, he never turned down a group hangout. V realized this and our in a smile,"Ha, I'm just kidding, you guys thought I was serious."

Everyone laughed.

"You really scared me there for a second Tae," said Jin.

"Okay everyone meet in my room when you're done," Suga told them. He went back to his room and started typing, "saved, now you can't get away from me lol."

He smiled and the members started coming into his room as they finished getting ready