Reunion (4)

Chapter 11- Reunion (4)

Vera observes that they are hesitating on making their moves. Maybe accidentally flashing her scars had some effects. It was not her intention to expose herself with only her undergarments. She was merely going to remove her jacket yet, it turned out like this. Sometimes fate is not on her side. Now she had more embarrassing memory to add on her list.

Contemplating her next action, she resolves herself to concede. Anyway, her body shape is more severe than before. Accepting defeat is better for her right now. Decided, Vera raises her hands to show that she surrender and don't want to fight.

"I accept defeat. I can't continue fighting anymore. Now tell me, what do you want from me?" Vera addresses the leader.

Unconvinced that the woman is surrendering, the leader didn't put down his guard. Instead, he asks "why did you attack us? Which organisation are you from?"

"I don't belong to any organisation; I am only a beggar that was startled by your man over there." She pointed to the man who shouted at her and chased her.

"I was only trying to defend myself from him when you all come here and join the fight. Now tell me who is at fault?" Vera wanted to divert the leader's attention and push the blame on them. She returns her gun in her waist and faces them.

The leader glances at his subordinates. Deep down, he is blaming him on putting them in this situation. During their briefing, he had strongly reminded them that their presence in this town is a top secret. The organisation in charge of this place should never know they have been there. He will need to reorganise his team when they return to Country X. Hopefully his boss with not disagree on his decision.

"If it is our fault, I apologise. We didn't come here to cause harm. We were only looking for someone."

"If you are here for someone, then it's your business. I, however, need to go and have my dinner. I am hungry, and you just ruin my inside." The woman replied then turns her back to go to another direction, not caring that her back is exposed to them. The men were surprised to see her leaving just like that. Is the woman treating this as a simple misunderstanding? Someone got shot on their side! They need to retaliate!

The soldier looks at their leader for additional instructions, but he already turns his back. They didn't have a choice but to help their comrade and follow him.

Vera, on the other hand, is now in so much pain. She didn't lie that she was hungry. Adding the strain her body receives from the fight, she is about to pass out. She needs to leave now and find shelter inside the deli. At least, there, she can treat her injuries and have some food as well. Walking in the opposite direction, she heard a car pulled over. She turns her back around and checks what is happening.

Just a few meters away from the soldier, a black car stops startling the soldier who is caught unaware. Their eyes bulged upon seeing their boss coming out of the vehicle. There was no report of him coming here personally. Assessing their current appearance, the soldier tried to compose themselves and greeted him.

Xu Long Wei stared at his people. His eye that is always indifferent and cold is now displeased on them. The soldier swallowed hard and prayed that their boss would pardon them this time.

The leader came closer and greeted the man. He is already aware that he is coming but didn't have the time to inform the others.

"What is happening here?" Xu Long Wei asked, noticing that they look dishevelled. His aura change drastically, making the people around him shivers.

"Boss, this is just a misunderstanding. It's no big deal. We are still searching for the woman you are….." The leader was saying but was cut by a loud gasp behind them.

Xu Long Wei involuntarily turns his head after hearing the sound. What he sees is a person wearing tattered clothes. He can only deduce that she is a woman based on her physic. On her head is a black mask that covers her entire face. He was about to avert his gaze when he notices the eyes of the woman. They are green and looked familiar. They resemble his son's eyes. All of a sudden, he felt a jolt in his heart.

It's her, he thought. Feeling numb all over, he bypassed the soldier and rush to the woman. He pulled her body and engulfed her with his warmth. The eyes that were cold before was replaced by longing and love.

The most powerful and wealthiest man in Country X that was said to be indifferent is now crying calling his woman's name over and over.

"Vera" "Vera" "Vera" Xu Long Wei, keep repeating her name like a mantra.

The people around him are all flabbergasted. They didn't know the woman's identity but based on their boss's reaction they come to understand that she is the missing fiancée of him! The mother of their young master!

Secretary Yang, who watches everything unfold, is also dumbfounded. Their CEO is hugging a woman while crying. This scene overwhelms him. Who would have thought that he would see his boss vulnerable like this? Who says that true man can't cry? Anyone would when the loss love one finally comes back, right?

He avoided his gaze to prevent himself from crying as well and instructed the soldier to move and give the couple some privacy…