Leaving Russia

Chapter 12-Leaving Russia

Back Alley, Russia, year 20XX

Two beautiful couple is hugging in freezing temperature. Both don't want to let each other go, afraid that tonight's event is nothing but their hallucination. They hold each other tightly, not caring about the prying eyes that started gathering around them. The woman appears to be very small in the man's arm. She looks so fragile that anyone who sees her at this moment would want to cradle her.

Xu long Wei wants to do just like that. For seven years, the thing that he had to yearn for is to embrace her again. He never loses hope that she will come back to him where she belongs. He releases her to remove the mask and study her features. The last seven years have left some marks on her face. Her youthful appearance matured and gives her a seductive look rather than the innocent image he was used to. The face that was lightly tanned because of strong heat in Country A lighten a lot also. He wonders what other thing changes in her.

Also, he notices the scars around her shoulder. Discovering it, the only thing he felt is love and devotion for this woman. He knows very well how hard she fought to be alive today. Those scars are proof of it. He doesn't care about those things. What concerns him more is how thin she has become. He needs to bring her to the hospital to be treated by the best doctors.

He focuses his attention to her again. He tried making her respond to him, but she fell asleep. Looking around, he notices that the alley is filled with onlookers. He made a quick decision to get her out from here. Checking the situation, he is more determined to leave the place earlier than he planned. He carried her but was astonished when she started to struggle and puke some blood. He panics and calls everyone to prepare back to the jet.

He suspected that she has some internal damage, for what reason, he will investigate later. At the moment, bringing her to have a medical treatment is the main priority.

A few minutes later a private jet was seen to leave the small town in Russia. Inside the medical personnel are busy stabilizing the woman's condition. She seems to have suffered some internal injuries and fractured bones. Aside from that, she is also malnourished and dehydrated. They need to be in a proper facility to determine her condition accurately since the jet doesn't provide the necessary tools to do this job. At the moment they can only make her comfortable.

If inside the medical area people are busy, it is quite the opposite in the cabin. The task force that was sent by Xu Long Wei is anxious. They are aware that they have failed this mission. It is the easiest mission they have, but still, the result was embarrassing. The leader felt shameful because of this.

"Boss, we failed this mission. We are willing to accept any punishment" The leader deeply apologizes.

"We didn't recognize the woman and even attempt to kill her. It was a total misunderstanding in both sides." He continued.

Xu Long Wei didn't respond instead called his secretary. "Inform Jia Garden to prepare for their mistress's arrival. But mention not to leak any information to anyone including Xu Li. I will tell him directly."

"Yes, President". Yang Jun take note to call the staff as soon as they land.

~ a Few hours later~

In Jia Garden, the staffs are in complete chaos after hearing the news that their mistress is arriving. The staffs, including the chief butler, was unsure if they have heard correctly.

Butler Yang has been working for this family for two generations. Since their current master returns seven years ago with a child, he never thought about him having a woman. Until now, there was no woman linked to the guy, so he did not understand where this mistress is coming from. Reading the newspaper is his daily routine and there was never any scandal related to his master. He also never brought a woman in the house unless they are his subordinate!

It is truly unbelievable!

God has finally blessed their master!