No words are needed

Chapter 16- No words are needed

Jia Garden, Year 20XX

Two days have passed after Vera was transferred in Jia garden. The household atmosphere has returned to normal. At first, the staff are confused when they were informed that no one could have access to the mistress until she recovers. Only elder Ling is allowed to care for her. Everyone felt dissatisfied because they want to serve their mistress as well.

As per Xu Long Wei's instruction, Xu Li is still unaware that his mother is currently residing close to him.

For the meantime, in the medical building inside Jia Garden, a woman is lying peacefully when a sudden movement on her fingertip shows that she is regaining consciousness.

Vera slowly opens her eyes and attempt to move when a sudden ache in her side stop her from making more movements. She squinted her eye while trying hard the peer on her surroundings. Due to the brightness of the room, she can't figure her exact location.

After a while, she is amazed to realise that she is in a deluxe room. Around her are medical equipment attach to her body. After surveying the room thoroughly, she concluded that she's in a hospital. But who would have brought her here?

The last thing she remembered was…

Ignoring the pain in her side, she suddenly bolted and pressed the button next to her. She wanted to speak to the staff in this hospital.

Few minutes later three people hurriedly entered the room and were surprised to see the woman awake. Fang Wubin went to her and introduced himself.

"Hello, Ms Henderson. My name is Fang Wubin. I am your doctor".

Vera, look at him but didn't answer, instead, she asks. "Where is Long Wei?

"He is on the way, miss. We informed him as soon as we realise you are awake."

"You have been unconscious for almost nine days, and usually Mr Xu stays with you, but today he has to do some business". Wubin quickly added. He doesn't want the woman to be disappointed that the CEO is not around when she wakes up.

"I see. Thank you so much for taking care of me these past days." Vera said, not forgetting to thank the man for his help.

"Also, I am quite hungry. Can I have some food, please?" Vera requested.

Vera's mind is full of food right now. She woke up starving, and the last time she remembers, she was also hungry before darkness engulfs her. At least she wants to eat first before thinking of anything else. Anyway, she doesn't believe that these people will cause her harm. If they are working under Long Wei, it means that she can also trust them. The man won't harm her, after all.

A few minutes later, various of food was brought in front of Vera. She wanted to devour all of them, but she knows that she will have to wait more days. Otherwise, she will upset her stomach. She chooses to eat light food for now.

She eats the food in no time, and the ambience of the room help her tremendously. Shortly after, she can't control her eyes from sleeping again and decided to rest more.

A few hours later, Vera felt a hand caressing her face. She opened her eyes and was met by an intense gaze. Green and dark eyes lock with each other without uttering a word for a long time. They stayed like that for a while then Vera, who have missed the man cannot take it anymore, so without breaking eye contact she pulled him by the neck and pressed their lips for a hard kiss.

The man was surprised but was able to return the kiss, and the couple shared a passionate kiss full of longing, love and devotion. They stayed like that for quite some time until both are out of breaths.

Still feeling the lingering taste of the man in her lips, Vera is delighted with Xu Long Wei's response. She didn't want to admit it, but she had doubted the man at first. Her long captivity and her scarred body made her feel less deserving for him. However, after feeling his lips again, she felt the man's emotion. At the moment, she suddenly realises how stupid she was. How can she doubt his love for him, when she knows that he is a man of action not by words?

Now that her insecurities are over, without hesitation, she took Xu Long Wei's hand and interlocked them together. Her face beams with happiness and her eyes sparkles that make Xu Long Wei, smiled back. He is relieved to see her overcome her insecurities. This is the face that he fells in love with, an image of her full of brilliance, self-confidence and pride. He can't wait to have her in his arms again.