My Plea (.'_' )

Authors Note:

Hi everyone!

I am Miclyce. I want to use this opportunity to say that I am very grateful for all the support I receive through this novel. I was not confident when I first published my first chapter, but because of your positive feedback, I was able to overcome my fear to write. Once again, thank you very much!

Also, I want to let you know that, my vacation is over so I will have to go back to work. However, rest assured that I will still be publishing one or two chapters every night and have mass releases from time to time.

All my chapters are usually inspired by something or someone I encounter, but most often they come and go, so please pardon me when I missed some days to finish a chapter! You might also see me insert some motivational quotes in my author's note, but that is just me. I love them. I felt that helps me convey the emotional message I want to say since my protagonist characters are both silent type.<3<3

Anyway, I hope that you are enjoying my novel so far!

If you like it, please keep on supporting me by voting and leaving your rate and your reviews!

Thanks A lot!!