Jia Garden’s Mistress

Chapter 40- Jia Garden's Mistress

Jia Garden, Year 20XX- 6 months later

Seasons have gone by quickly, and after 6 months, Jia Garden has turned chaotic again. Today, their master commanded that every household staff should gather in the main hall. Puzzled with the unexpected announcement, they have no option but to leave their work behind and proceeded to the main area.

By the time other staff completely filled the room, speculations and rumors are spreading like wildfire. Some say that their master would probably announce their mistress today, while others' guess that their mysterious mistress has succumbed in her disease, and more preparation needs to be carried out.

The majority agreed with the first rumor, although, they didn't deny the later gossip as well.

Most of them are aware of the on-call doctor that frequently visits the medical building. The specialist always stayed in the mansion longer than other time, and since no one has information about their mistress's sickness, they concluded that she is not getting any better.

Butler Yang attempted to calm the uncontrolled situation when he noticed that Xu Long Wei is approaching.

"Master, Young Master, Welcome Back" He intentionally greeted loudly to silence everyone.

All noise abruptly stopped upon hearing that their master has finally arrived. They automatically compose themselves and put their head down to greet him. They didn't notice the woman standing with Xu Long Wei.

"Raise your head. I gather you today for an important announcement." All head look at the man.

The staff who spotted the woman standing next to their master bulged their eyes in unison. It was comical that Vera wanted to laugh out loud but restraint herself. To distract her from the comedic scene, she refocuses on Xu Long Wei's next word instead.

"You are all aware that your mistress was recuperating in the medical building for many months. Today she will move in the mansion and continue to heal here. I expect everyone to follow her as you follow me. Her words will be my words in this house. Do You understand?"

The hall resonant with the authoritative voice of the man and every person in the room answered simultaneously.

Vera, on the side, observe the staff intently. She noted that the majority of them are male. There are some females, but they are older than what she expected. However, she also didn't fail to notice the younger one she could count on her fingers.

She centers her focus on them more. After a few seconds later, a wayward smirk is visible in her face. No one could discern what the woman is thinking.

The older staff observe their mistress for a long time; however, they could not read her at all. She stood in front of them, devoid of any emotion. They want to step back and run from her, especially when the woman's face change and she smirk. A chill run down their spine after sensing their mistress's gaze. They couldn't help but lower their heads in submission.

The younger staff are oblivious to the situation and continue leering at their master.

On the other side, Xu Li felt his mother's sudden change. He had been with her for long now to know her temperament.

Following his mom's gaze, he realizes, what the problem is all about.

He might be young, but he knows most of the things related to the scheming woman in the household. Being born in the wealthiest family, he and his cousins were all trained on detecting simple ploys like this. His father especially engraves in his young mind, that he should be the one to scheme rather than being the target. Thus, he became sharper than other kids his age.

Xu Li holds his mother's hand and said: "Mommy, I am hungry".


All the staff in the house froze after hearing their young master's word. They studied the mother and son and eventually found their similarities. "No wonder their young master is good looking," most of them thought. At first, they believe that the boy took most of his feature from his father, but upon seeing their mistress, they concluded that she has more features visible in their young master's face.

Their green eyes are the most give-away. If people denied even after seeing this, they are truly blind. The woman herself is breathtaking. Her beauty could trump those celebrities on TV!

She gives off an alluring, yet mysterious aura. However, what scared the staff is the resemblance of the atmosphere the woman and their master transmit is too uncanny!