Eyes like a Hawk

Chapter 41- Eyes like a Hawk

Vera steps forward with Xu Li in hand after Xu Long Wei finished his announcement.

"My name is Lu Jia; however, you can call me whatever makes you comfortable with. I am not a difficult person unless cross, so, be mindful of that." She stated while her gaze travels on the staffs. She didn't hesitate to warn those who have hidden intention against her.

Though she doesn't care about the small fly lurking around, but considering she will be living here permanently, cleaning up some mess might be necessary.

The younger staff got her message and timidly lowered their head in submission while feeling guilty after being caught ogling their master. They might like their boss, but they couldn't afford to lose their job as well. It is already a blessing to work under the man. Afraid of losing their income generator, most of them gave-up their lustful ideas.

Satisfied with their reactions, Vera holds Xu Li gently and ask Butler Yang to prepare a light snack for them. The staff return to their unfinished work and the family of three enjoyed their afternoon tea in the gazebo.


"Have you already decided the school you will be enrolling with?"

Vera is enjoying the view of the garden with Xu Long Wei next to her when his question reminds her of the upcoming examination she has to take.

"Yes, I plan to enroll some elective courses in Zhang Yong University. They are the best in terms of science and technology. Actually, their research for advanced technology studies is what attracts me."

"Hmmn, I see".

"Although, I don't like the fact that most student's there are from the riches background in country X." She continued.

"The University was founded by my great grand-father, Xu Zhang Yong. It used to be for students with an excellent academic result. However, as time progress and the Xu family reputation became more recognized, the student's enrollments gradually consist of student's with good family backing.

To balance the situation, the University maintains its rules but still, it's a challenge." Xu Long Wei explains.

"I know, anyway, I am glad to start as a freshman" Although she will be the oldest student there, she is excited just thinking about going to school again. When she studied in Country A before, she was mainly focused on her studies and the organization. She didn't have the chance to enjoy being a regular student. However, this time well is different.

Xu Long Wei engulf her body into his. Vera leans her head on his chest and enjoys his warm embrace. They stayed in that position for a long time while they enjoy the tranquility that surrounds them. She looks at the horizon and thinks about the unknown future.


Vera is preparing to go to bed when Xu Long Wei opens the door.

"How is Xu Li?" Vera asked. Tonight, her son won't be sleeping with them anymore, and it took her a while to persuade him to agree.

"He is upset since he wants to sleep with you, but don't worry, he will adjust."

Xu Long Wei moves to their closet and pulled-out his sleeping clothes.

Vera followed his every movement like a hawk ready to pounce for its prey. The prey which is oblivious to her predatory stare is occupied with his routine when a slender hand hugs his stomach. He looks down to see Vera's eyes and realize what the woman is up to.

"Aren't you going to take an exam tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but I need some exercise to prepare for the big day. Can you assist me?" Vera asked with a hint of raw desire in her voice. She craves for this night to happen. For the last months, Xu Long Wei did his best to stop when they became too intimate. Her body needs enough time to heal, so they decided to wait.

Because of that, Vera's longing for the man's touch intensifies every day.

Tonight, she would not wait anymore. Xu Li is not with them, so they got all the space they needed. She shivers from the excitement of tonight's rigorous activity.

Xu long Wei didn't delay and carried her petite body to the waiting bed. Like her, he has no qualms to waste anymore. They undress in seconds, and a loud moaning and groaning sweet sound from the two people inside echoed in the large room all night.

It is truly fortunate that Xu Li stayed in his room tonight.