Grandmother, I am sorry

Chapter 50- Grandmother, I am sorry

The lively atmosphere of the busy food cart is quickly turned turmoil after a drunk customer violently push the older helper of the food stall.

After witnessing his wife's dangerous situation, an older man tried to calm the intoxicated customer but was hit by a chair instead.

Everyone who sees the scene gasp. The older man is bleeding in the head and look disoriented. Some families gathered their kids and left the place to avoid being hit accidentally by the drunk man.

Zhang Mira screamed from shock and didn't hesitate to leave her cooking and rushes to her father-in-law to help. Her heart is full of worries after seeing that his head is bleeding furiously. The older man is already weak, how will he be able to survive this? She is praying that the injury is not life-threatening.

Seeing that her mother-in-law is now uncontrollably crying for her husband, and trying to carry his body to a comfortable position, she panics when she realizes that he lost consciousness.

She approached the customers who are watching and begs them to help her father in law, but no one wants to help her. They don't want to be involved. Zhang Mira felt resentment towards them who only want to see their family suffer even in this situation.

Out of desperation, she went back to her stall and grab a knife to use and threaten the drunk man who is still making havoc in their place, when she noticed a petite woman, running towards their direction.

The woman moved swiftly and went straight to the man without hesitation; she jumps on the table, promptly use it to raise her body from the ground. Her slender hand caught the man's nape and unceremoniously pushed him on the ground. An excruciating sound resounded the place as she bashed his head on the ground repeatedly.

Zhang Mira stood frozen in her spot as the woman didn't stop her horrifying action until the man loses his senses. The people around scramble and run fearing for their safety. They never expected to see a small woman fight in that manner against a man twice her size! It is truly crazy to witness.

Even the other workers who were with the drunk man didn't try to help. They could sense something is not right with the woman in front of them. Based on her fighting skills, they cannot afford to offend this person. She might look small, but considering her strength to push their friend on the ground need excessive force meant this person is strong enough to defeat them.

The workers stayed on their spot and waited until the situation calms down, so they can pull the stupid man from the ground and bring to the hospital. They could see his shoulder moving, which means that he is still alive.


Vera looks at her aunt and then move her focus to her grandparent. She was coming out from the toilet when she saw the man strike her grandfather with a chair. Not wanting to let the man go, Vera sprinted on their location. Pure terror flooded her senses when she spotted the blood flowing from her grandfather's head.

After that, Vera didn't remember anything, as murderous intent to punish the drunkard consumed her. The man was fortunate that she recovers her sanity earlier before she made too much damage and killed him there.

"Bastard" Vera muttered as she kicks the unconscious man before she went to her grandparents and kneel-down to assess the situation. She dialed the hospital and requested an ambulance.

Zhang Mira, who is still rotted on her position, regained her awareness. She moves closer to the woman to thank her when she turns and look at her directly.

The knife she was holding fell on the ground when she recognizes those face and green eyes. Tears continuously flow from her eyes as she covers her mouth to prevent herself from sobbing loudly.

"Jia" Zhang Mira cried out that made her mother-in-law focus on the woman's face as well.

Same as Zhang Mira, the older woman couldn't help shedding tears as she stares at her only granddaughter.

"Jia" The weak woman cried out.

"Grandma, Aunt, I am sorry I was late". Vera apologizes as she hugs her grandmother. Her aunt also moves closer, and the three cried in the middle of the busy street. They stayed like that until the ambulance arrives.