Caring For Her Grandparents (1)

Chapter 51- Caring For Her Grandparents (1)

Jia Medical Hospital, Year 20XX

Together with her aunt Jia followed the ambulance that is carrying her grandfather. A few minutes later, they arrive at Jia Medical Hospital. The hospital staff moves quickly and push her grandfather to the emergency room.

They were advised to wait for the doctor in the waiting area as they need to check her grandfather's condition.

After many consideration, Zhang Mira hesitantly taps Vera to get her attention. "Jia, I don't think we should be here. You see, our family is not as well-off as before, I am afraid we cannot afford to pay for the hospital fee here."

Vera studied her aunt but didn't comment. Instead, she holds her hand in the assurance that everything will be fine. Although she is not familiar with this hospital, she is aware that Xu Long Wei owns it. There shouldn't be any problem.

Zhang Mira calms herself and chooses to trust Jia. Remembering that she needs to inform her husband about the incident, she excuses herself and leaves the room.

Jia watched her aunt stand and left the room. Without any words, she moves to her grandmother, who fell asleep from exhaustion.

She requested for a nurse to help her organize another room for her grandmother and to have her check as well. Based on her appearance, she is positive that the older woman is also sick. She wants to make sure that her grandmother is well-taken care for from now on.


Jia and her aunt are waiting for the doctor when a dirty looking man is running towards them. It is apparent that he rushes to come considering his appearance. Vera recognizes the man since his similarities to her grandfather is undeniable.

"How is Father? What happened? Uncle She Hao frantically asks. After hearing that his father passed out and needs to be rushed to the hospital, he left his work and came directly.

He didn't have the chance to see his boss; however, he will handle it later. The most important is for him to know if his father is alright.

"Uncle, grandpa is still inside. we are waiting for the doctor to come out." Jia supplied the information.

Lu She Hao was surprised to hear the beautiful and petite woman address him as an uncle. He looks at her and recognition hit him. "Ji..Jia" He stammered. The woman is his niece! He never thought to see her again after her sister died.

Twenty-two years ago, his sister died from a traffic accident. After that, their family lost contact with Jia's father and their chances of meeting the girl vanish. Until now, their family grave for his sister's untimely death, however, what hurt his parents more is when they couldn't get hold of his niece's whereabouts.

But today, she is here standing in front of him. Lu She Hao, hold Jia's hand and bow his head to hide his tears.

Vera knows her uncle's feeling, so she didn't think twice to hug him not caring about the dirt he might transfer to her clothes. Today a lot of things happened, she is glad to see her mother's family again.


Their family is seating in the doctor's office and waiting for her grandfather examination result when the door open. The doctor entered and greeted them.

Jia decided to watch on the sideline, while her uncle talks to the specialist.

As time progress, Vera's face change gradually. The doctor is obviously trying to undermine their ability to pay and encourage them to transfer to a different hospital. Since her grandfather doesn't have health insurance, they didn't want to care for a patient who can't pay for their service.

"As you know Mr Lu, your father needs to undergo more examination. Although our hospital has all the equipment to perform it, however, based on your income, I am afraid we can't help you with it. I can only recommend you to a public hospital." Dr Jin explains.

He studied the people in front of him with disgust but avoided his gaze when he notices the woman seating on the back returned his stare menacingly.