Slapped by A Brick!

Chapter 60- Slapped by A Brick!

The staff standing and watching the entire situation flinches after Vera's command boomed inside the dining hall.

Butler Yang, who was deadly silent frantically ran out of the area and entered the communication room. He announced every staff member in Jia Garden to gather in the main hall. The supposed to be ordinary dinner became a disastrous event he never predicted to happen. Since he is not familiar with his mistress's intention, he could only hope that everyone will still be alive after tonight.

Inside the dining hall, the staff was utterly stunned with the sudden development of the situation. For some reason, when their mistress shouted, all their body simultaneously move like a soldier ready for their formation and off to march. Even Xiao Ming stood up and quickly left her spot to follow others. A dark feeling is starting to shadow her heart. "This is bad," she thought.

Xu Li follows behind while Vera waited for Xu Long Wei and together, they walk out the place holding hands. The man palmed her head and planted a soft kiss for encouragement. With her man's backing, she is more determined to make things straight.

A few months ago, part of her plan was to decrease the numbers of helper inside the massive estate. At the moment, they have at least sixty-two staffs loitering around. For her, it's a high risk to trust that many people.

Considering Jia Garden's size, it is undeniable to have plenty of workers, but at the moment, she could only see staff who like to gossip and badmouth their masters. They need people to trust and follow them without any apprehension. For now, what she saw was dissatisfaction with them.


Main Hall, Jia Garden

A buzzing sound surrounds the main hall when the family enters. Everyone stood up straight and composed their selves in front of their masters. Chattering sounds abruptly stops.

Studying the people filling every corner of the room, Vera is displeased with their position. So, she commanded in a booming voice, "ALL OF YOU, LINE YOURSELF IN SIX COLUMNS NOW!"

Once again, for an unfathomable reason, the staff's body seems to be possessed by an unknown entity moves quickly and formed the said formation. They looked at each other in complete shock by the power their mistress's carries. The woman is terrifying when angered, they thought.

Like a drill commander that she was, Vera walked in front of the staff and scrutinized their movements with her watchful eye. Bullets of sweat are starting to form in everyone's forehead. Some who was called was unaware of the circumstances for tonight's events. Therefore, they are more nervous to hear their mistress's words.

She walked back and forth in front and didn't say a word for a few minutes. Xu Li and Xu Long Wei, settled themselves on a sofa to watch the show. Xu Li is even more excited, seeing that her mother is truly amazing. Prepared as always, Xu Li took out his favorite snack and munch silently next to his father while he anticipates for the excellent performance ahead.

Xu Long Wei, on the other hand, has a solemn face. It has been a while since he witnessed Vera act in this way. He missed this side of her. Knowing that tonight will be a busy night for Butler Yang, he signaled him to come. "Prepare a massive clean-up of employees tonight. Whatever your mistress's say, make sure to make it happen."

Butler Yang nodded and focused his attention back to the woman, who is silently walking in front. Only her house slipper can be heard, and every step she made sends shivers to their spine. It has been thirty minutes, but she didn't speak a single word. What is she planning? His curiosity deepens each second.

"I was told today that I had misunderstood someone, and it seems that my action was inappropriate." Vera started and made everyone startled.

"Now, I called all you to tell me directly if my action was indeed wrong."

"While I had my dinner tonight with your master, a helper comes to give us our dessert. Quite innocent, considering it is her job to prepare for our food. However, can anyone tell me, what is the rule in regards to your uniform?" Vera stopped in front of the younger woman who tried to defend Xiao Ming before.

Being put in an unfavorable situation, the helper stammered, "W..we are no…not allo..allowed to open our bu..buttons and expose skin aside from our arms and knees below. She explained after swallowing her saliva.

"Right, but what I saw tonight was that Xiao Ming here knowingly opens her buttons to expose her cleavage to your master in front of me." Vera paused in front of Xiao Ming.

"Mistress, like what I said, it was not my intention." She hurriedly justifies. "I have forgotten to close them since I was in a hurry. I was distraught today because of what you said to me in the morning." She added, not forgetting to mention the incident that happened earlier. She needs to get sympathy. Hopefully, when his master heard that Vera's rude behavior to her, he would see the light and punish the woman.

"Hmmn, so displaying your breast in front of my fiance is no form of seduction at all?"

"No mistress, it was not my…"

Before she could finish her words, a powerful slap landed on her cheek. Force by the impact, she moves backward and hit the person standing on her back. An excruciating pain rapidly covered her face, and she couldn't help but scream from the soreness of her face. She felt like a brick had slapped her!

The main hall stilled. No one wants to react anymore. After hearing what happened, the staff, especially the older one, understood what genuinely occurs. They couldn't help but chastise Xiao Ming in their mind. They have been in the household for many years and experienced this type of scheme from those who aim for their master's affection. They tried but always failed. "What a stupid woman" everyone scolded inside.