
Chapter 61- Expectations

The main hall of Jia Garden quieted down after a deafening sound from Vera's palm strike Xiao Ming's waiting face.

Few minutes passed, and only a pint-sized whimper lingered in the hall while other staff maintain their composure as they control any noticeable movements that might catch Vera's attention. Aware enough to understand that it is crucial to mask visible emotion in their faces, they look ahead not caring about the woman that brought them in this predicament. They might have known each other; however, their personal needs triumphs even the years they have spent together inside the house.

Noticing the reaction of her friends, Xiao Ming glared daggers at all the people she considered her family for many years. She touched her sored face and whimper again after a sharp pain jolted her senses. Tonight, she had lost entirely because of her stupid action. She had underestimated the woman's way of retaliation.

Before she was employed in this house, she had a relationship with her previous master and the process of making her plans to remove the original wife out the picture was effortless. The older woman was weak and didn't hold on to the man she chose to marry. Because of that, she enjoyed a merry life until the man got bankrupt and the wealth she had a dream to live on vanished.

After her life went downhill, she abandoned the man and was fortunate to receive a recommendation to enter this household. When she meets Xu Long Wei for the first time, it was like a spring season suddenly arrive in her life. It was love at first sight, adding the wealth and power he represents, she thought it would be a gold mine to get the man and be the mistress of the Xu family.

In order to achieve her goal, she had to befriend most of the staff and get their support without hinting her hidden agenda. However, for five years of staying close to the man, there was no advancement in their relationship, aside from master and servant. She thought, she managed to imprint her presence in his heart, but his cold treatment tonight in the dining hall awaken her delusional belief.

"That slap is for lying to my face. I really hate when people do that." Vera frankly stated for everyone to hear.

"Don't get me wrong; I don't care about you scheming behind my back as long as I don't catch you. But remember this, don't ever try to test my patients, for I have none for someone like you. It will only be your misery if you happen to do so."

Like a queen, Vera turns her body smoothly and face the other staff disregarding the woman who is still moaning in pain. She announced, "It had come into my attention that many of you had misunderstood my warning when I came here first," She said while moving around then abruptly stop to the older woman on the end of the column.

"Elder Ling, what did I say when I first meet you?"

"Ah..ahh, that you are not a difficult person unless crossed". Elder Ling stammered the word out of fear.

"That is right, and I am glad you remember Elder Ling." She smiled at the old woman and continued, "You might have thought that since I don't involve myself in the day to day operation of the house that I am an easy person to manipulate. However, I am not someone you can easily trample down. It will be beneficial if you keep that in your mind." Vera looked at everyone eyes intently making sure that her words are clear.

"Tonight, I will be stating some expectations I require for all my employees. Firstly, I detest woman like her". She pointed at Xiao Ming that made the hurt woman flinch.

"Secondly, if you work for this household, you work for me. Last but not least, you are yourself only when I am not around when I am here, your life is mine. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" She shouted the last part as a commander in chief ready for battle. Her voice roar in the four pillars of the house and all the staff answered back in the same pitch.

Xu Long Wei on the side, smiled while lovingly looking at his woman's back. The principled stance and firm voice added to the compelling aura she carried around that predominantly subdue others, helps compel even the most hardened martial artist out there. Vera is a woman born to lead. In his mind, there is no doubt that she is the most amazing and valuable treasure he is fortunate to cherish in this lifetime.

Like his father, Xu Li is truly surprised by his mother's talent to have others follow and submit to her. He could already imagine his cousin's reaction once he boosts his mother to them. In that second, a smirk similar to the man standing next to him form in his small mouth.

Both father and son continue to observe the spectacular event in front of them while Vera continues her grand announcement.

"Tonight, some of you will have to leave the house and need to find other employment. However, worry not, for I will arrange for you to transfer to another place. For those who want to continue and work under The Xu family, you will have the chance to do so, but not in this house, unfortunately."

She looked at Xu Li and asked the boy to stand up. Upon seeing his mother's request, Xu Li stood up and moved side by side with her while holding a mechanical robot in his hand.

Everyone is confused about what is happening, but they have no courage to voice out their question. They decided to avoid any mistake and instead listen to their mistress's next word.