MU the Robot

Chapter 62- MU the Robot

"In Xu Li's hand are the list of people that needs to go. We do not need your service anymore."

All eyes stared directly to the young boy, but no one could discern what is happening. All they notice is a small robot shaped like a ball with a wheels on yhe sides. If they remember correctly, their master assembled the things six months ago, and from then on, it never left his side. Sometimes, servants find the weird looking object passing around their working area. They didn't pay attention much for they are unaware of its functions.

Once Vera finishes her words, Xu Li presses the power bottom of his robot. He is glad to show MU's functions for the first time. The hall dimmed, and bright light coming from the object illuminated the room. For others, it looks like a projector with multiple names appearing in it.

The staff was surprised to see that the robot has this purpose. Although scared to check for their name, they have no alternative option but to see if their future will change after tonight.

A few minutes later, some servants cried out after realizing that their name is on the list. They couldn't control their selves as tears flow down in their faces. Some of them didn't expect to find their name in it since they believe that they have never been negligent in their work. So how come they need to leave this high paying job? It's unfair!

On the side, Xiao Ming, search for her name like others and was delighted to see that she is not included on the people that lost their job. She blew a sigh of relief. For now, she has to calm down. She already made many mistakes tonight; her actions should be prudent from now on.

One servant who notices that Xiao Ming's name is excluded gathered the courage to ask Vera. "Mistress, why is it that Xiao Ming's name is not on the list? It was basically her fault that we have to leave this job, but seeing that she is not included, I felt that it's unfair." The young woman questions.

Vera remembered that she was the girl who tried to assist Xiao Ming in the dining hall. "Don't worry, I might not have included her when I first made a list, but after witnessing her delusion to seduce my fiancée, there is only one future for her. She will leave the house, and there will be no compensation."

With a shaking leg, Xiao Ming fell on the floor after hearing Vera's words. Her excitement a few minutes ago suddenly disappear and an overwhelming dread for losing her job overcomes her. She started shedding tears again. An involuntary impulse to hit her head crosses her mind; she was so stupid tonight. What will happen to her now? She is afraid to move out and face the consequences of her action. Right now, she could only cry and accept scrutiny and others ridicule on her sides.

"Mistress, why do we need to leave the house? We didn't do anything wrong." One helper voice out her mind.

Instead of answering, Vera nodded to Xu Li and videos of them appeared in the screen. Inside the videos are the terrible deeds they had made against the family, like, gossiping, intentionally changing Vera's cleaning products and many more. The robot recorded everything.

Unbeknownst to them, the bizarre object is actually a recording device that Vera created to spy in her mansion when she was younger.

At that time, she was tasked by her father to manage the house and eliminate any unwanted personnel that would betray their organization. Because of this, she made a device that is less intimidating and is almost invisible to others attention. People easily disregard the object, thinking that it's a piece of metal she often plays. In their eyes, she was still a kid, after all. Like now, it helps her throughout the years, and she is glad to pass down her knowledge to Xu Li hoping that he will use it well.

After seeing the evidence of their misdemeanor, the servants couldn't refute the facts laid in front of their eyes. Even Butler Yang was shocked to see about his subordinate behavior. At first, he thought that the madam was unfairly cutting staff out. However, he never intended to interrupt and overstep his bounds. Now that he watches each and everyone's misconduct, he couldn't agree more to her wise decision. His respect for the woman after tonight was firmly hold a spot in his heart.

With a depressed shoulder, they move back to their quarters to pack and on that night, almost three fourth of the staff in Jia Garden left. It was the longest night for Butler Yang; however, considering the reason behind it, he was satisfied with the outcome of tonight's event.


The family went to their own rooms to prepare for sleeping. Inside the master's bedroom, Vera was cozily hugging the muscled bicep of Long Wei while he repeatedly kissed her head gently. They are the picture of a loving couple. No one would say that they had been separated for many years and just got back together based on their affection with each other. There is no awkwardness in their action.

Vera's thin and delicate finger lightly tap him as she draws a circle in his exposed chest. "Do you think I have overdone it today?" She can't help but ask. The man was taciturn tonight.

Long Wei' hold her moving hands that move down his abdomen. He brought it to his lips. "You did what you have to do. I am very pleased tonight. Well done my love" He kissed her fingers while he softly rubs her left ribs.

Vera shuddered at the sensation. She couldn't contain her desire any longer, with a swift moves, her petite body maneuvered quickly on top of his stomach, then she opens the man's robe. Although, tonight's event was exhausting but an ugly image of the woman trying to seduce her man light the fire inside her. Her throbbing part below is excited about the anticipated activity.

Vera managed to undress the man in records time, and the two distinguish their burning desire until daybreak. While the house is busy due to the huge numbers of staff leaving the estate, the two are also occupied inside the large room.