Mysterious Court Physician Merlin (2)

"Thank you very much, Sir Merlin" said the Priest from the Church in town, Rachel had handed him a book, contain detail of a plague that had been harming the country and dwindling its numbers. Her Cottage and the outside of it is full of patients. She had been studying the plague and produced results on its cure. She gave all the details in the book she handed to the Priest.

"Your Welcome"

"No, I should thank you. IN the hands of the capital it would be able to care for all the sick."

"You Parents in heaven would be proud of you" The Priest said turning away from her cottage.

It had been about twenty years, Rachel took advantage of a village that had been complete destroyed by bandits with no survivors. She had explained to the village and the Priest that she was from that village and that she covered in scars to horrifying to look at. She was able to use a type of illusion in order to produce those scares. But, unfortunately she was unable to change her hair and eyes.

She can only bend a person perception of seeing something else.

Since then the village took pity on her and would bring her some vegetables and food. While Rachel herself took it upon herself to show that she was a physician's appearance in that village. So, they had long began to assume she was a he, and Rachel never corrected them.

Turning around she continued to care for the patience's

And as expected a few days later a group of knights appear at her door, while she was still attending to patience's outside.

"We are looking for the Doctor by the name of Merlin." Said an authoritative voice "He is requested to travel to Camelot by order of the King. To heal Princess Isone, from her sickness, he is to travel immediately.

As she listened Rachel didn't stop immediately, and she continued to wipe the sweat off the patience. When the priest came over to her, making her turn to him.

"You go, I'm sure your student will do a fine job in taking over the" Said the Priest and Rachel looked at the now twenty year old Herold who was doing a great job as Physician anyway and although his flirty antic didn't stop.

"Are you Merlin the Doctor" Said the same authoritative voice, it belongs to a youthful person anyway. Rachel looked at him up and down as she stood up, they just meet, and he is already being annoying.

"What do you think genius?" Rachel retorted back, when she turned to Herold and gave him the cloth she was using to wipe the sweat off patients. He quickly returned to work and went on to finish her job. "Does, you king also understand that me being taken away from the village means they lose a doctor."

"How Dare you! Do you-"

"Does it matter you didn't introduce yourself in the beginning, So that means your identity doesn't matter. Now answer does your King understand what it means for this village to lose a doctor."

"They are just peasant, the life of the princess weighs more."

Rachel looked at this idiot for a moment before fooling her arms. "So in your opinion the lives of the people here don't, do you judge this because of Rank. Well, this Sir, I tell you what I am a physician of the countryside, I have also studied in the countryside. I have never stepped foot into the capital gates.

I also wasn't trained by Camelot's school of physicians.

Meaning I am also nothing more than a peasant, so my life also does not matter. And yet, you King wants a countryside doctor who has had no formal training try to heal the Young Princess sickness.

When the Capital has plenty of skilled doctors there to help, aren't you also making fun of the physician you have there."

"You…." At this point no one had anything to say, not even the idiot before her.

Rachel sighed and gave one last glance at the Priest and Herold. "Let me go pack a few items and we will be on our way." Her tone was light and soulless at this point, experiencing the tale itself is so overrated right now.

During the entire journey to Camelot, the leader of the knights did nothing but glare while Rachel just continued to stay quiet. In her imagination Camelot was beautiful and mystical, but this is ancient European, so.

So the people are all dirty and don't practice being clean all that much. Beauty isn't in detail at all, and this isn't the industrial age.

Just looking at the streets filled with dirt and dust, plus, rats, dirty disgusting rats, not the cute ones. But the Ones that can ruin your day.

Rachel face right now, 'I hate the middle ages, right now'

"What do you think how capital, is more pleasing then your dirty little village" The leader of the knights said proudly.

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 'Don't screw with me you brat, this place is no where near pleasing' She wanted to rage. Rachel was lead straight towards the Princess Courters, King Ryeved didn't care to greet her since she was a peasant.

But, she was a peasant who came up with a cure for the recent plague killing a good portion of the population. But, his words to her where pretty much cure his daughter or die.

Rachel frowned at the stink faces of the other physicians that looked at her, with condescending looks.

"Sister" Yelled the Knights leader.

"Uther" Said the assumed to be Princess Isone, who looks pale and week and obviously the picture of a distressed maiden. By the way if you haven't figured out that the leader of the group of knights is Uther congratulations, just congratulations.

Rachel made no motion as she walked up to the two siblings saying pleasant and cringe worthy thing to each other. "Can I get started with my examination." Rachel interrupted them, Uther back away although reluctantly. While Rachel took out her little book and sat by her, The princess frowned with her pale face.

"Now, where do you feel the most pain?" Rachel began to ask questions about how she is feeling, where it hurts most. Rachel put her book down for a moment and reached into her bag, she had made little gummies and mixed them with a tasteless pain medication. "Here try this." Rachel handed opened the bottle and handed one to her.

With a simple taste the Princess Lit up, the little gummy was delicious.

"This is a simple pain reliever, I had it turned into a type of candy for the children in my village. Since the Actually pain reliever median is quite hard to swallow, its also made with natural fruits from the forest."

The Princess paused for a moment as she actually started to feel the pain decreasing.

"However, this type of medicine will not relieve you of the cause, should you be infected with a parasite."

"a Parasite?" The Princess and Uther asked at the same time.

The physicians around the room where already, surprised at the new type of medicine pulled out but they where also confused on parasite.

"England in general is foreign to parasite, so it is understandable that you won't know what they are." Rachel tone began to get graver. "Parasites are not a sickness your highness, but tiny animals so small they a person wouldn't notice them."

"Animals, I don't understand" Uther said confused.

Rachel relaxed her shoulders and pulled out a slide. "This is what is called a slide, in this slide contains a dead parasite that I had preserved for further study."

Uther took the slide and looked at the tiny thing inside it, the other physicians looked at it in confusion.

"I wish to see as well" Sit can be said Princess Isone, Uther handed the slide to the Princess who also. "I do not understand what this has to do with me."

"Princess you still feel pain in certain areas."

"Yes I do."

"Not only that, you experience blood loss through you mouth and another part, this excessive blood loss is causing anemia couple with the fact that feel a little relieved of your pain after the loss of blood. It can be assumed the problem is with your blood, which means that I can assume you have been poisoned or have been affected with a parasite.

Poisons, parasite, and diseases work so similarity that it is hard to differentiate between. But each are solved in different ways.

What you have is not a disease but either a poison or a parasite. The pain candy I had given you helped eliminate the possibility of disease coupled with your excessive loss of blood.

Although it is in my Opinion that you have been affected with a parasite, I cannot rule out poison with without further study. As a result, you cannot be healed immediately."

Rachel turned her eyes to the other physicians, "My fellow doctors what do you think?"

Two of them huffed in disbelief, while the other was lost in thought. "This information, where does it originate."

"Travelers, my village is not too far from Dobro town and the Port town, traveler going to the capital often stop by village for a rest. Sometimes I would get traveling doctors who wanted to check out something from the medical school. I would often share notes and ideas with them.

The same thing would happen while on their way back home."

"I see" There is nothing the physician can refute because everything she said sounded logical.