Mysterious Court Physician Merlin (3)

Rachel had taken a sample of the Princess blood to study, after she cough some into a white cloth, she used a thin make-shift microscope to analyzed it, and as she thought although unseen do to its color changes the small red parasite was seen thought the microscope.

Rachel laid her head down on one side, after studying it and isolating the parasite for a whole week. She had to see to it with some trial and errors. Uther was in the lab with her to make sure she didn't run away.

He fell asleep a couple of times, while the physicians had long went back to report what happened. None of them where even interested in seeing her as she studied the sickness. That is because they are still trying to find solutions of their own.

She had done all she could, and the best solution was to poison the princess to kill off the parasites. This is due to the amount inside her body, there is to many for a controlled treatment. In theory the Princess could be completely cures with this but the poison could also take her life if she isn't strong-willed anyway.

And believe me most women of this era aren't so it would be a pointless treatment. Princess Isone isn't really a character in the initial tale so her fate is very week.

Her head hurt, but she was done. Standing up she walked to Uther and throw the book at him. Waking him up from his sleep.

Startled Uther sat up and looked at the Rachel who barely ate or sleep during this whole time in astonishment.

"Poison is they only, cure. But the risk is death, anyways, have your side decided what they want to do"

Later on when she took a nap, she found out the answer, when the princess died. When Uther reported her findings, his Father King whatever his name 'had chosen his physicians solutions instead. Which resulted in her death.

Not that her way wouldn't have killed instead, because parasites are risky in this time frame without modern medicine. And her can only work withing the limits of this era.

The Kings people had come up to her room along with a worn out Uther.

"Physician Merlin, the King has...."

Rachel was looking at Uther and absorbing what he had said, before she turned and looked out the window, looked down at the dirty street, the crooked pavement, the rats, the people whose faces has dirt all over them.

Towards the people, yes those ones who has been just touching anything and them move on to eating. Then to the homeless eating the leftover old food, and so much more.

'I hate this place'

It took a week for Rachel to adjust to this place, just kidding she applied cleanliness everywhere. King something was dissatisfied with the medical school due to their failure, so she was placed as the court physician because she produced results

And continued to do so, as the natural health of the people was starting to improve. It was you could say progress, but the streets are still naturally disgusting. As for the Princess, she will be missed.

The King had five children, two boys including Uther the eldest and the rest girls. With this one dead that means there are only four children left. In Lore It was known that Uther had an Uncle, but aunts where never mentioned.

Honestly in the end all she must do is wait for time to pass by like usual.

Finally, it came to a point where Uther's father died of old age, his remaining female sisters where married off and his only brother fell in love and married as well.

Uther was coronated and married with a queen of his own.

It had only been three years, and what did Rachel do you ask? Nothing she is just the physician; she didn't care when Uther 'banged' his best-friend wife resulting in her pregnancy with the famous Morgan le Fae. Or how he threated a powerful witch to allow his wife to bare him a child, and when that same wife died in childbirth resulting in her death.

And then another few years he spent ignoring both kids and trying to bang everything that lives. This man was becoming more ignorant and arrogant as time went on. Honestly, the most surprising thing was that he only made Morgan and Arthur.

Nope, she is just the physician. Her job is to help heal people, and now babysitter and exceptionally the only parent figure in the lives of his two kids.

In a simple court that hadn't changed in years, Rachel watched as the immature Uther swung his sword like a maniac and Morgan sitting very closer to her reading a book.


Arthur looked like a raging little ball of fury and these two where only nine years old at this point. The Knights in the background where desperately trying to hold back their laughter.

"Morgan" Rachel lightly said, making the little girl look up at her. Morgan had been brought to Camelot when she was five years old, her 'father' at the time died in a scuffle with bandits by the border. Her mother hung herself when she got the news and she her family property was gobbled up by relatives.

Morgan was raised believing her father was Uther's best friend, when she in fact isn't. Uther was just to lazy to bring her back and Henry, Uther's Brother who knew about Morgan's true parentage brought her back to Camelot.

She became a ward of the Castle and has been well looked after by Rachel. The young girl was already quiet when she came, and it wasn't in a grieving way. Rachel could tell that the girl wasn't close to either of her parents.

Henry had brought Morgan to her and not his brother, when Uther found out he honestly didn't care. He waved his hand and Morgan has become a ward of the King and her student.

"Humming Syphilis" Rachel finished, and Morgan took a moment and flipped through her book. "What are the symptoms"

"Symptoms are, delusions, a skin bump outbreak, ringing ears, muscle cramps but not in all cases, and sometimes depression although uncommon." She finished in her childish voice.

"What to expect?" Rachel questioned some more.

"Delusion and a skin bump outbreak slowly increase in severity over a week, but only one symptom may be experienced. After the initial onset, delusion generally fades away, only to return later. Around this time ringing ears is experienced by the vast majority of people. The experience of ringing ears may be less severe in combination with the experience of a skin bump outbreak. After a few more days muscle cramps is experienced by about 25% of people and is usually experienced in the evening.

Throughout the course of the disease, depression may be experienced, but only in rare cases and may be experienced for a long time." Morgan read aloud, perfectly.

Her speech and reading were improving, when she got to Camelot they where a mess.


"….." Morgan took another moment to find the answer. "Heavy medication and a suppressant routine." The little girl frowned before looking up.

"Good" Rachel patted her head and the little girl nodded with a slightly red faced. That tells you she likes being praised. Well, so does Arthur, you can tell because this hyperactive child just rammed himself into Rachel's stomach with no mercy.

His eyes shinned as he also expected praise.

"Arthur you look like a mess, go wash yourself before touching me." Rachel cold-bloodedly said, Arthur looked red for a moment as he ran off to go clean himself up. He sometimes forget when he is practicing with swords that he gets dirty, and his mentor dislikes dirty things.

Morgan watched the interaction without blinking as she went back into her book and began to read some more.