The story revolves around an average teenager, who initially wanted to become an astronaut, now has to save his only bestfriend, Dale. Dale met an unfortunate accedent and lost his life. For which, in rage, Alex cursed god himself and was brought to a new word, in which he has to work hard and become strong enough to defeat God himself and claim the position to bring back his only friend to life
This book is fantastic. I have read this book. The character designing is fabulas. Also i like the story writing of auther. Concept of story is very good. It is a supernatural and fantasy based story. I like the story. I am avaited for the remaining story.
Hi! This is kera, an editor of the international writing contest SWA II. I believe your book has great potential, so I invited you to join in a week ago. Please reply to me so I can discuss this with you in detail.
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