Chapter Two

The EMT's came running in with a stretcher. Yoongi was holding me to his chest as tears ran down my tanned cheeks. Fear filled the pit of my stomach as I was taken out of my lovers arms and place on the stretcher.

"Yoongi." I mumbled barely above a whisper.

Yoongi was next to me the entire time. I was placed in the back of the ambulance and he sat next to me holding my hand and giving it a slight squeeze for reassurance, but I couldn't squeeze his hand back. My entire body still being completely limp.

"Do you know what happened sir?" The EMT in the back asked.

"He was teaching class before he collapsed. I'm not sure what made his body give out on him." Yoongi stated and I could hear the worry in his voice.

The EMT looked down at me then at Yoongi. "Has he been eating correctly and staying hydrated?"

Yoongi nodded quickly. "Absolutely, he was a professional dancer before we met he knows how to keep himself healthy for his job. Plus, I make sure that he does."

I could feel the ambulance taking sharp curves and stopping then accelerating. I could hear the sirens telling the cars around them to move and I could hear Yoongi and the EMT talking back and forth. I wanted to talk to them, but for some reason I couldn't make any noise now. What was happening? My heartbeat increased and I could hear it on the monitor I was hooked up to.

"Hobi darling? What's wrong? I told you you'd be fine. We are almost there." Yoongi leaned over and now I could fully see him in my view.

I tried to respond but I was once again denied by my own body. More tears spilled from my brown eyes. Yoongi's free hand landed on the side of my cheek to wipe my tears away.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" He questioned.

I couldn't reply. I couldn't nod to him to tell him I could. So I just simply blinked once at him. He sighed before placing a gentle kiss on my trembling lips. The only movement that was occurring through my body at the moment.

"We're almost there. Don't worry. We're almost there." He whispered with his forehead pressed against my own.

The ambulance came to a stop only moments after Yoongi reassured me. He was forced off of me while they moved my stretcher off the ambulance and rushed me inside. Yoongi was following closely before one to the nurses told him to stay back and I was taken in the back alone and I wasn't able to protest. The hospital smell made me nauseous and I felt sort of light headed. The only thing I could see was the ceiling lights flashing by in an even order above me. One nurse on my right side, but I could barely make out any detail about her expect that she was a girl.

- Can you hear me? Mr. Jung? -

I tried to look around. Still unable to respond to anyone with my voice or my body language. I was pulled into a room and the fear in my stomach peaked. My breathing fastened once more. What were they going to do to me? I want Yoongi in here with me. He should be allowed in here with me!

- Mr. Jung? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me. -

What? But they know I can't move. Why would they say that. My eyes widened when I felt a soft yet gentle sensation on my left hand. But the nurse was on my right side hooking me up to a bunch of machines and so forth. What or who was touching me?

"Alright Mr. Jung, the doctor will be right with you and she will want to run a few test on you. I will be leaving your medical information about your paralysis state and your issue with talking so she won't ask anything of you. Just stay relaxed with her and she will try to make this quick and as painless as possible." She said as she sat a clipboard down on a table that was next to my bed.

If she already knew my information then who asked me to squeeze their hand and what is this feeling on my left hand?

- Doctor, maybe we should get it a rest for now. His body seems to be fighting it. Maybe he needs more time. We can try again tomorrow. -

What are they talking about? Who is that talking and why can I hear them as if they are right next to me?

- Okay, I didn't expect his body to fight this much. But we will try again tomorrow around noon. -

Try what tomorrow at noon? Who was this!? The sensation I was feeling earlier disappeared and I felt myself starting to move slightly.

"Y-Yoongi?" My voice was low and raspy.

I heard the door click and I leaned forward slowly into a sitting position.

"Oh my, Mr. Jung. You can move?" The doctor said.

"I want Yoongi." I stated with persistence in my voice.

She shook her head slightly. "Please Mr. Jung. Just lay back down I still have test to run on you. I want to figure out what happened so we can hopefully stop it if it occurs again in the future."

"No, I won't let you do anything to me unless Yoongi is in here with me!" I demanded.

She sighed before opening the door that leads to the busy hospital hallways. "Can someone please get Min Yoongi to this room?"

She shut the door then and looked at me. The doctor moved to my bedside and grabbed the clipboard the nurse had left for her.

"Since you are up care to explain what exactly was happening?" She asked.

I looked at her name tag and noticed it said Young. How rude that she didn't even introduce herself.

"All I know is that I just finished expressing a dance to my students then my body went limp. I couldn't even catch myself from falling and after a little while in the ambulance I couldn't talk either." I explained.

She nodded as she jotted down notes on the paper she held. The door to my room opened and Yoongi walked in.

"Hobi, are you alright? I'm so glad you're up." He said as he made his way to my side. "Did you figure anything out?"

Doctor Young gave Yoongi an annoyed look. "No, he wouldn't let me do anything to him unless you came in. So I had someone get you. Now, I can actually do my job."

Yoongi gave me a look that said 'why couldn't you just do it?', but he didn't actually say it cause he knew the answer. He knew I hated everything inside a hospital. That being the machines all the way down to who worked at the hospital. No matter if they were kind or friendly at all. Hospitals always made me feel self conscious, scared and paranoid. I held Yoongi's eye contact as she started to pull blood from my arm and do some other random test on me.

- Your name is Jung Hoseok right? -

I tilted my head to the right some. That voice sounded familiar, but no one in the room was talking. I heard a sigh, but again no one in the room made any noise.

- Yeah, like he's going to answer you idiot. Gosh, not you Hoseok. I'm talking about myself. Anyways, I hope you wake up soon. They are giving you meds to help guide you out, but for some reason you're fight them. I want to thank you in person. -

"Yoongi, do you hear that?" I questioned in a low tone so I didn't cover up the other voice I was hearing.

He raised one eyebrow. "I don't hear anything Seokie."

Then what in the world am I hearing? Am I going insane? Am I actually hearing a voice inside my head? Is this what they mean by the phrase 'voices in your head'? Could those other voices I was hearing be in my head too?

"Is it still there?" Yoongi asked.

- I can read a book if you'd like. Sorry, this is my first time talking to someone in your situation. -

Should I tell Yoongi that it was? Would he believe me? I nodded slightly to answer his question. I honestly think he would believe anything I told him without questioning me. That's how much we trusted each other.

- I know people normally read like fairy tails or something, but all I own are poetry books. I hope you're okay with that. It's either that or the lyrics I have written down in my notebook. -

"It may be a side affect to your condition." Yoongi suggested.

He believes me. Just like I thought he would have.

"I supposed." I answered.

"It's possible to hear voices as a symptom for certain conditions." Doctor Young answered as she continued whatever she was working on.

- Ah, this seems to fit you well. It says, 'I don't want smooth sailing; I want a rainstorm. 'Ordinary' is something we should all be running from'. I think you are extraordinary Hoseok. Even though I don't know you. Your actions prove it so. -

What was this? What actions and why were the voices in my head attempting a conversation with me?

"Let me run these test and if I find anything serious we can talk about it." Doctor Young said as she then exited the room.

Now it was just Yoongi and me.

"The voices are talking to me Yoongi. As if they are trying to have a conversation." I explained.

Yoongi made a worried expression. "That's weird. Well, I suppose I couldn't say that. I don't know what kind of things you will hear when it's a side affect to your condition."

"I just don't understand. It's poetry and someone reading to me and others asking me to wake up..." I looked down at my lap then back into Yoongi's gorgeous eyes. "I am awake right?"

"Of course you are. If you weren't then you wouldn't be seeing me." Yoongi said before making a smirk. "Well, I don't know. You might dream of me sweetie. But you're not asleep right now, I can promise you that. Otherwise I would know because I'm not asleep."

I smiled at him. "Right, I am awake."

I leaned forward and connected our lips together. The moved gently and perfectly against each other. I smiled into the soft kiss.

- Here's the next page. 'And when he smiles, I find a reason to live a little bit more'. -

The quote made me think of Yoongi and his gummy smile. It's the best smile I have ever seen. His smile could brighten my day even if I was having a terrible one just moments before seeing it. He could turn my mood upside down with a blink of an eye.

- Oh, I like this one a lot. 'One day I want to wake up to the world and matter; Not to you, or the world, but to myself'. This is how I started to see myself. I'm sure you know that already though. -

I wish I could place that gravelly voice. I know it to well. The doctor walked back in the room with paperwork.

"I didn't find anything wrong with you Mr. Jung. Everything I have taken says that your body is completely normal and where it's supposed to be. However, if this happens again please bring him straight back. For now though you are released." Doctor Young explained.

"What do you mean? This could be serious!" Yoongi stood up from the chair he had previously sat in.

"I know, that's why I said that if it happens again then bring him back." She replied.

"No, I want you to figure it out now. What if he's alone when it happens again? Huh, what if he gets severely injured!" Yoongi's voice was raising.

- How about this one. 'If I told you how I got this way... You would marvel that I got up today'. Honestly Hoseok, I think I'd like to get to know you. -

"Yoongi, it's fine. Let's just go." I said, wanting to get out of the hospital that makes me wanna run away from it.

Yoongi shook his head. "No, I want an answer now. I want to know what is going on and what is causing it and how we can fix it."

"Yoongi. It was one time. We don't even know if it will happen again." I stated as I squeeze his hand.

He looked at me with slight irritation. I knew he was worried, but he needs to know that not all problems have a solution.

"Please. I just want to go home." I whispered. "I want to go home and cuddle you in bed."

His eyes softened and he glanced back at the doctor before connecting our eyes again. "Okay."

With that we left the hospital. I was given a wheelchair since my body was still pretty weak and in case of it happening again Yoongi could move me easily with the wheelchair. Yoongi pushed me all the way home in the wheelchair. I smiled up at him as the sun shone down brightly on his platinum white hair. He looked like an angel.

- Alright, I have to go. But I will see you tomorrow Hoseok. -

My smile faltered as I felt a tingling sensation on my forehead. Not only was I hearing them, but I think I was feeling it too. Could that also be my head playing tricks on me?