Chapter Three

It was around ten-thirty when the others showed up at our house. Yoongi had canceled the rest of the classes for the week since he wanted to make sure I was okay. I told him not to, but he insisted. Now, I was sitting on the couch curled up in a warm blanket Yoongi had gotten me for Christmas last year.

"Hyung, tell us what happened! Yoongi Hyung texted us last night that you ended up in the hospital yesterday morning." Jungkook said as he sat across from me.

I shook my head. "They don't know what it was, but for some reason my body went limp yesterday after a dance I did for the class."

"And, he wasn't able to talk after a little bit in the ambulance." Yoongi informed the rest as he walked back into the living room with two cups of hot chocolate.

He plopped down next to me and I put the blanket over his lap as he held the mugs up and out of the way. Carefully we got situated.

"Hobi Hyung are you sure you are keeping up on your health?" Jimin leaned forward to take his own mug from the coffee table that was made only minutes before.

I make an expression to show I was hurt that Jimin would think that I wasn't taking care of myself. Dancing was my life and I would take care of myself to be able to do it. Plus, I also had Yoongi and I planned on staying health with him for a very long time.

"Of course I'm healthy. Even the doctor said my body was fine and Yoongi is always taking such good care of me." I answered as I laid my head on Yoongi's shoulder.

I felt him kiss my head gently. "I'll always take care of you baby."

I smiled up at him. "I know Yoongi." I leaned up some and pecked his lips.

Jin smiled at us. "I wish I had a relationship like you guys."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Namjoon looked at his boyfriend.

"No one can be as perfect a couple as Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung." Tae stated.

"Yeah, I know. I'm stuck with the God of destruction." Jin mumbled while throwing a thumb back at Namjoon.

"I'm feeling very attacked right now." Namjoon pouted.

- Hoseokie. Oh, I didn't mean to say that. Haha! I mean Hoseok. I'm back for the day. How was your night? -

I side glanced Yoongi. The voices had stopped yesterday when they said they had to go for the day. Then I got that sensation on my forehead. It's back now. The same voice that read the poetry to me.

"You okay Seokie?" Yoongi asked as his hand played with the end of my hair.

- I slept good last night. I got news that they were going to try again today with you. Hopefully you will come out of it. -

I felt this soft sensation on my right hand. As if someone was caressing it. Honestly, it scared me and I wanted it to stop. I didn't understand any of this. What kind of side affects could this be? It feel so realistic.

"Seokie?" Yoongi leaned up a bit to look at me.

"I'm fine." I mumbled while taking a sip of my hot chocolate that Yoongi had made for me.

"What is it?" He asked quieter.

All of our friends have gone quiet now too.

- Yeah, I actually took the day off from all the stuff the others wanted to do while we are in town just so I could be here in case you wake up.... I hope you do. -

Please leave me alone. If you can hear me too. Just leave me alone. I am awake!

I pressed my lips to his ear. "I hear him again."

Yoongi caressed the back of my neck gently. "Just ignore him."

"Everything's okay, right?" Jimin questioned.

"Everything's fine. He's just having some side affects from yesterday." Yoongi stated.

- Hmm, the doctors said they'd try again today at noon, but it seems they will be trying an hour early. I tried to convince them to let me stay in here, but they want me to wait in the waiting room. -

Try what again?

- I'll be back when they are done. Be strong and pull yourself out, yeah? -

The warm sensation on my right hand disappeared and suddenly I found myself missing the sensation a little bit. A sudden headache pulled me from my thoughts. I groaned lowly.

"Hoseok, you okay?" Yoongi asked.

I could feel my strength slipping from me. "Yoongi, take my mug." I mumbled.

He did as instructed and grabbed the mug from me. Sitting both of our mugs on the small table in front of us. Almost immediately when he took it my body went limp again, just like yesterday.

"What's happening?" Tae asked as he also placed his mug on the table.

"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Jin pulled his phone from his pants pocket.

"It's happening again." Yoongi said as he gripped my hand and nodded for Jin to call the ambulance.

- Mr. Jung, I know it's a little early but we wanted to try again. Remember why you want to wake up. -

I am awake! Stop telling me to wake up when I am wide awake!

"Can you at least talk this time Hobi?" Yoongi asked.

"I can." It took a lot for me to speak back to him.

- Remember why you want to come back. Any good things you have in your life. Maybe family, friends or a significant other. -




Fear flashed all throughout my body when I saw the gun pointing at him. Normally I'd freeze, but he was the only good thing in my life. So I climbed up the edge of the stage to block the bullet that was already coming towards him. I felt every ounce of pain in my chest when I hit the ground. All the pain I was feeling was worth it when I saw him hover above me, completely unharmed, as I went unconscious.




When I came to I was already at the hospital and in a bed. No one was around me. Not even Yoongi. What was that? I was never shot... Was that Yoongi above me?

- Oh, that seemed to get a peak in reaction. -

"Yoongi!" I called out, wanting to see him.

The fear in my stomach increased as I looked around the blank hospital room.

No response. I leaned forward and noticed I could move again. I pulled the IV out of my arm and disconnected a few more wires from myself before standing up and carefully walking to the door. It opened before I could open it. I stepped back and Doctor Young from yesterday stood there. She looked around the room before glancing back out the hallway.

"Didn't you say Mr. Jung was back in this room?" She called to the desk only a few feet away.

"Yes doctor. He should be in there."

My eyes widened. "Doctor Young. I'm right here." I stated and reached for her arm.

- That's it, that's the reaction we were hoping for. You can do it Mr. Jung. -

"Is Mr. Min out in the waiting room still? Can you ask him to come here?" Doctor Young instructed.

"Of course."

I shook Doctor Young's arm roughly. "I'm right here. Can't you feel me?!"

But she wasn't phased by it. Yoongi came walking into the room.

"Where's Hoseok?" He asked.

I flung myself onto his arm then. "Yoongi, you can see me right?!"

He wasn't phased by the impact of me against him. Just looked at Doctor Young.

"I thought maybe you could call him or something. He wasn't in here when I entered." Doctor Young stated.

Fear peaked in my entire body. Why can't he see me? Why can't any of them see me?!

- Mr. Jung, you're so close. Your activity has increased dramatically. -

No, what are they talking about. Leave me alone! I just want Yoongi to see me and hear me again. That's all I want. I dropped by Yoongi's feet and held onto his leg. Not wanting to let go of him for fear of losing him more somehow.

- Ah, he really doesn't want to wake up does he. -

"Yoongi..." I whimpered on the ground.

"Hoseok? How long have you been on my leg like that? Where were you just now?" Yoongi asked and pulled me up onto my feet.

I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I was right here the entire time. Why couldn't you see me or hear me?"

I sobbed into his shoulder. He held me tightly to him while shaking his head some.

"I don't know baby. I promise I wasn't ignoring you though." He replied.

"Mr. Min can I talk to you outside for a moment." Doctor Young asked.

He nodded before placing me back on the bed. I shook my head vigorously and held tightly onto his arm.

"No, don't leave me in here alone." I whispered with tears staining my cheeks.

I don't wanna disappear again.

- Maybe we will have better luck later. I'll let your visitor back in now Mr. Jung. -

That can not be a side affect to this. None of this makes any sense! I just want it all to go away so Yoongi and I can go back to being normal. To me dancing to his music everyday and being a simple couple that others admired because of how well we work together.

"It will only be a moment Seokie. Just don't go anywhere, I will be right outside the door." Yoongi reassured.

I gently released his arm and wiped the tears that were still falling down. Yoongi gave me a soft smile as he and the doctor left the room. Shutting the door after them.

- Hey, I'm back. I heard you were doing so well but something stopped you. Is it that nice in there? -

I felt a few sensations on my forehead almost as if someone was tapping it. My hand went up to my forehead as a reflex and rubbed over the spot that was still slightly tingling. I sniffled loudly. Who are you?

- I wonder what could be better than waking up. Maybe when you do wake up you can tell me what you were thinking or dreaming of. -

I'm wide awake. Trust me, I would know if I were sleeping. Yoongi is my entire reality and he's right outside that door.

- Did you like the poetry yesterday? -

Yeah, it was nice. I shook my head slightly. Why am I attempting to reply to whoever this was?

- Oh, they are gonna change your bandage Hoseok. -

My bandage? I'm not hurt though. The door to my room opened again. Yoongi and Doctor Young came back in.

"What was that all about?" I questioned.

Yoongi sighed softly before placing a hand on my shoulder. "Doctor Young would like to run some brain test on you. Since you did hit your head pretty hard yesterday she wants to make sure you are okay."

"Like a CAT scan?" I asked.

"And more psychological test as well. Where we ask questions and you answer truthfully." Doctor Young cut in.

I huffed out some air. "I understand the CAT scan, but the psychological test... I'm not crazy."

"And I'm not saying that you are. It's just a precaution that comes with the package of checking your brain health." Doctor Young stated.

I looked at Yoongi. "You agreed to the psychological test?"

"I just want to cover every basis baby. I want to make sure you are okay so we won't have to come back tomorrow and do this again." Yoongi said and ran his hand through my hair. "You understand don't you?"

I bit my lower lip then nodded slowly. "Yes, I understand."

"So you'll do it? For me?" Yoongi asked.

I nodded once more. He leaned closer and kissed me gently.

"Thank you baby." He whispered.

We leaned our foreheads together. "Anything for you." I mumbled.

"Alright, let's try to make this quick then."Doctor Young stated as she smiled over at us.