WebNovelAgent S42.86%


"Hyung!" Jimin huffed angrily.

"Oh for shit's sake, I said I did not do it. What else do you want to hear?" Suga said as he rounded a corner and beeped at the slow car in front of him. Their pursuers were still in hot pursuit of them but here they were, arguing about something so, so trivial.

"I saw you look at the rear-view mirror! Our eyes met, hyung, our eyes met!" Jimin was shouting from the backseat, his clothes now changed into an obviously male outfit.

Suga sighed. He did not sign up to babysit a damn child. "I was just checking if you're alright because you were taking so long."

Jimin glared at him through the rear-view mirror. "I asked you not to look while I'm changing, hyung. You promised! You even laughed at me because 'hey, why would I even peep on your lame naked body', but then I caught you looking through the rear-view mirror!"

"You were already dressed when our eyes met in the rear-view mirror, how sure are you that I had been looking at the rear-view mirror while you were changing?" Suga reasoned as he stopped on a red light. The enemies were still a few cars away. In this setting where there were a lot of people, they would not do anything too spontaneous. That meant they are safe.

"How can I be sure you did not?" Jimin challenged.

Seriously, this kid was impossible. Yes, cute, but so damn freaking impossible. "Okay fine, I did. But only the butt part."

"Butt part?" the younger boy asked with an indignant expression that looked pretty funny through the rear-view mirror. The red light turned to green and Suga immediately stepped on the gas pedal.

"That part when you were struggling to wear the jeans and probably because you don't want me to see your dick in case, you were turned around, kneeling on the car mat and hunched over the seat. Your ass was on display on the rear-view mirror, it was round, nice, looked so squeezable. No big deal."

Jimin blinked, his face disbelieving. "Have you just molested my bum with your eyes?"

This, of course, made Suga roll his eyes. "I did not stare for shit's sake. I looked away after like, two seconds."


"I'm driving at almost past the speed limit, you idiot. Did you really think I'll still have time to stare at your ass? We have been dead a long time ago already if I really did what you're accusing me of doing."

Suga couldn't believe this. They were being chased by three cars in the night traffic of Seoul, he was driving fast with the effort not to go pass the speed limit because he didn't want the police to slow him down, a bunch of other agents were out there to kill them, and they were having this stupid conversation.

The younger only crossed his arms and huffed as he looked away sulkily, a moment later clutching on the seat for his dear life and squeaking cutely when Suga picked up more speed and did a lot of turns in different alleys.

Suga, for the life of him, thought that Jimin was really adorable when he was moping, but also just as adorable with his eyes wide and mouth agape when Suga suddenly picked up his speed. Damn, the kid was cute in anything and everything he did.

"Whoa, where are we going, hyung? Why are you driving faster suddenly?"

"We're not in the main road anymore and there's no speed limit here. Plus, we also need to increase our gap from them so that we will have more time."

"More time? Where are we going?"

Suga smirked. "To a place where they won't find us even if they try to."

Turning another corner, Suga glanced at his side mirror. Their pursuers were still hot on their tail, but they were far enough. It was already eight pm. Just the perfect timing.

He finally stepped on the break, causing Jimin to yelp.

"Quick, babe," he said as he opened the door in a rush, Jimin following him in a quick pace. Suga locked the car with one push of a button on the side of his watch and grabbed Jimin's hand.

"Hyung, where are we goin- Oh, is that... is this a club? We're going inside a club?"

Suga raised his eyebrows at the bouncer and pulled out a set of two IDs. The bouncer looked at it with squinted eyes.

"I know this boy here looks like he just turned 16, but trust me, I don't do minors," Suga drawled, already annoyed in the inside because the damn bouncer was taking so long and in his peripheral vision, their pursuers had already parked their cars and were already going out of their cars.

Not even waiting for the bouncer's approval on Jimin, he dragged the younger past the suspecting bouncer and entered the club. He was immediately blinded with offending red lights from the disco and a very loud music that could ruin anyone's ears. He really hated this kind of places, all smoke and beer smell polluting the air and choking him.

"This is your plan? To go in a club?" Jimin asked incredulously beside him as they hurriedly walked past sticky bodies and creepy people throwing a flirty smile at either of them. "Is this why you made me wear this?"

Suga glanced at the boy who was wearing a plain but stylish black shirt and tight jeans. The outfit actually looked good on Jimin. He himself was already wearing a shirt paired with leather jacket and ripped jeans.

"Unless you want to go here wearing skirt, it's not really a problem."

Suga found a vacant booth that was not exposed to the lights and was a bit shadowed, and quickly pushed Jimin to seat there. He followed suit, seating beside the younger and taking off his jacket that probably already looked familiar to their pursuers. He looked around with sharp eyes and saw that there were three men wearing face masks and long coats pushing their way to the crowd. It's them.

"Sit on my lap," Suga ordered.


Jimin blinked in surprise. Did he just told him to sit on his lap?


The older boy glared at him and pointed at his lap. "We don't necessarily want to display our faces for them to see, right? Sit on my lap facing me. In that way, your face will be turned away from the crowd and at the same time, mine will be covered by your head."

He did have a point, but it still stressed Jimin out. Hating himself for feeling his cheeks heat up, he did as he was told, awkwardly climbing up his Suga-hyung's lap. He glanced shyly at his hyung, only to look away after a second, having no courage to handle the intense stare of his hyung.

"How sure are you that they will not find us?" he asked meekly.

Suga smirked, making Jimin's heartbeat stop for a second, then continue only to beat faster than normal. The traitor.

"There's one rule in the club that even the agents find hard and really awkward to break."

"What rule?"

"Never disturb a couple making out in the shadows."

"What? I don't under-"

Jimin, however, was rudely interrupted by Suga's hands coming up to his waist and pulling him in.

And then they were...

Jimin pushed the older boy away, eyes wide and unblinking. "What the- Did you just- I- Hyung, why the heck did you kiss me?!"

His hyung's concerned expression turned into an annoyed one as he stared up at the disturbed boy. He scowled at Jimin.

"Will you stop being so stubborn even just for a second? We need to do this or they'll be following us for the rest of this fucked up night and I'd really appreciate a good sleep compared to driving the whole night. Yes, I'm a damn good agent, but they are good as well. They've been trained the way I was and they have the same AC gadgets that I have. So we at least need to put some effort here."

Jimin worried his lip as he contemplated on his hyung's words. It's not that he despised kissing his hyung...in fact, he did not really despise the idea as a whole. Of course, the reason why he did not despise it was simply because it was needed for survival, nothing else. He was simply shocked when Suga suddenly pulled him for a kiss.

The younger boy squirmed on top of the older's lap as he looked down in embarrassment. He felt like he was being scolded in school, especially with the menacing look coming from his hyung.

Suga gave a quick glance on something over Jimin's shoulder. "Shit, they're coming."

And without notice, he once again pulled Jimin with his arms around the younger's waist, his lips awkwardly landing on Suga's. The kiss was stiff and they barely moved. Many things ran in Jimin's head that time, like how the heck had he ended up in this situation and why the heck was he feeling a burning sensation running through his veins. Plus, the typical, Shit, hyung's lips is so soft and yeah, the expected Am I...am I really kissing this boy that I have just met this morning?

It took Jimin a bit to get used to the sudden interaction, but when he felt Suga poke out his tongue and licked his lower lips, his reservations all but crumbled apart. Despite all the questions in his mind, he still moaned loudly and even arched his body towards the older boy, wanting more.

He was not disappointed at all because his hyung gave him exactly what he wanted. More.

The older boy's hand crept inside his shirt, caressing the line of his spine and making Jimin moan even more. The kiss was barely romantic when Suga's tongue finally pushed past the younger's slightly open lips, more like hurried and messy as their teeth clanked awkwardly and their tongues fought against each other.

Jimin couldn't say that he was an expert in kissing, having only one puppy love back in high school and an ex boyfriend a few months ago as his resume. But damn if Suga was not a good kisser. The way he expertly dragged his tongue along Jimin's own and the way he seemed to bite and lick just at the right moment and at the right places. In fact, Jimin's sudden urge to have more was the only one that made the kiss really messy.

Jimin was liking this more than he should be.

But really, he was not to be blamed, he was barely on his right mind! He couldn't even think straight.

Suga's other hand started rubbing against his thigh.

Now there's no chance for him to think as a whole.

"Shit, they're here," he heard the older mumble against his lips. Jimin whined when Suga broke the kiss, not really registering his words. He leaned forward a bit to close the small distance between their lips and nipped at his lower lip, silently asking for the older boy to kiss him hotly again.

Jimin barely knew what he was doing anymore.

Suga responded generously, only to break the kiss a few seconds after. "Jimin..." he whispered.


Looking at the men a few meters away from them with narrowed eyes whilst concentrating on responding to Jimin's obvious pushy intentions, Suga thought that their position was a bit too open for him.

Holding Jimin tightly on the waist, he broke the kiss, panting softly on Jimin's lips as the other boy did the same. Jimin whined again, which honestly amused Suga. The boy had been so stubborn the whole while, even accusing him of being a pervert, only to end up being the one to hungrily get into the kiss.

"Jimin..." he whispered, eyes falling on the flushed and frowned face of the younger boy. He was almost pouting, for dear's sake. "Tilt your head a little to the right-"

Jimin was kissing him again, lips moving against his as he tried to pry open Suga pursed lips. Suga responded for awhile, but not letting the younger's tongue enter his mouth. He needed him to cooperate. Looked like the kid was too lost in the kiss already.

"Tilt your head to the right a bit so they won't see me, Jimin," he tried again, mumbling against the younger lips as they continued to kiss hotly without tongue.

The stubborn kid seemed to ignore his qualms, and only whined again, his hands now harshly clutching his nape and hair. Jimin seemed to be enjoying the kiss. Too much enjoying the kiss.

Psh. Suga remembered all those times when Jimin threatened him not to look while he was changing.

So much for decency, Park Jimin.

"Jimi- Babe, tilt your head to the right and move forward a bit... I need to-... Shit, they'll see my face if you won't-"

Instead of doing anything near his request, Jimin shifted his head and went to bury his face on Suga's neck, exposing the agent's face even more. Jimin started lapping his tongue on the skin there.

Shit, Suga didn't need this distraction.

Didn't need this temptation.

Looking for their pursuers while struggling to keep his mind straight, Suga's eyes widened upon realizing that they're very near from them now, one of them turning his head at their direction.

Quickly, and unintentionally harshly, Suga grabbed a handful of Jimin's hair to pull his head and crushed his face to his, their lips and nose smacking into one another a bit painfully. Jimin's head was now indeed tilted to the right as Suga positioned his face properly using the hand that was gripping Jimin's hair.

"Mmmhm!" was the younger's surprised, and possibly pained, reaction.

The complaint was swallowed away though as Jimin started enjoying the kiss again and obediently moving with Suga's pace. Jimin moaned again, making Suga rethink all his life choices that led him to this.

After a few more moments, Suga peered over the side of Jimin's head as they continued to kiss. He could see that the other alleged agents that were chasing them had now passed them and were going deeper to the club, probably going to check the restrooms and the back doors.

This was the perfect opportunity Suga was waiting for.

He pushed Jimin lightly, staring back at the dazed eyes of the younger. "We have to go now."

The only response he received was furrowed eyebrows, seeming like the younger barely understood anything he said. Sighing, Suga pushed Jimin a little bit more, forcing the younger boy to finally stand up sulkily. Not wasting any more time as they barely have any, Suga stood up and dragged Jimin with him, exiting the club without hitch and quickly driving off without anyone following them anymore.