Jimin's eyes are blank.
Suga sighed. The poor kid.
The car went into a halt in a dark alley as Suga stepped on the brake. He opened his AC Watch and chose the option that would make his car change in appearance and color.
This caught the attention of the dazed younger boy. He blinked many times, then looked around with a frown. "What's happening, hyung?"
"I was planning to change the car's appearance so that it won't be noticed by the enemy. I've set it to default version the past few months because I kinda missed its original style. Now though, it would be better to change its outer form into something else since our pursuers are from Alpha Centauri, therefore, they could easily distinguish an AC vehicle in its original style."
"Y-you...can change its appearance? Like seriously?" Jimin asked incredulously as he watched with wide eyes the dashboard turning from black leather to mahogany brown polished wood.
Suga nodded. "That's one of the perks of an AC car. It's just a matter of illusion though. Everything is still the same, the material, the engine, and all. Only the design changes, which makes it seem like a whole different car."
Jimin nodded slowly as he looked around with awe.
"I wanted to change the car's appearance, but I can't do it with them chasing us. Obviously, changing the car's appearance in the middle of the road would attract many attention and all that shit that our organization would like to avoid. Secondly, it's no use to change its appearance if the enemy will still be able to know what's the new form of our car, right? I needed them to stop chasing us because shit, I'd rather sleep for the night than drive until morning. That was why we needed to stop at the club."
Jimin blinked, the car almost finished in its transformation.
"I didn't even get to shoot anyone or anything that much." Suga sighed forlornly. It was just a sad fact.
As the car finished its transition from sleek black to a simple navy blue, Suga started the engine again, now going at a calmer and slower speed. The streetlights were already on and there were only a few cars on the road since the rush hour had long passed. It was nice, a leisure driving on a wide road.
The agent sighed.
"Hyung..." the younger spoke softly, sounding lost. And maybe he really was. Damn, he probably still couldn't move on from all the sudden action, plus the sudden kiss.
This made Suga feel guilty. He should've told Jimin about the plan before suddenly pulling the kid into it. But really, he didn't have the time to insert it when all Jimin was doing was being stubborn and complaining.
It's cute, though.
But just the average kind of cute. No big deal.
"To another one of my 'recreational places'. I need to train you."
He heard Jimin heave a weary sigh. "Just do whatever you want. I don't really care anymore."
The sun was shining and penetrating stubbornly on Jimin's closed eyelids. He groaned and whined in protest, using his arm to cover his poor eyes. Moments later, Jimin finally surrendered in his fruitless struggle and sat up, blinking sleepily as his mind slowly registered where he was.
Black and white walls, soft light blue blanket, large window, rude sunshine...
Yeah of course. Jimin remembered now, the memories of yesterday night slowly sinking in.
Suga had brought him to this place. It was outside Seoul. At first Jimin thought that it was only a large fenced yard and nothing else, until they entered the dark brown wooden gate. There was actually a small house at the corner of the wide lot, tucked in there and occupying only a minimal space.
When Jimin had looked around, he noticed that it was actually a place where one could practice shooting as there were target boards and other odd things. Suga did say that it was another of his 'recreational places', just like the one they had gone to.
The house had two small rooms, and not really caring to shower anymore and just thinking to do it the following morning, Jimin all but threw himself to the bed. He fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed.
Running his hand as he looked around, Jimin yawned and stretched his arms. He wondered what would happen today, not really sure if he should be excited or not. The thrill was exciting, but knowing that your life was on the line was not that exciting at all.
Plus there was the thing with Suga. The thing. That thing that he refused to mention even inside his own thoughts. That 'thing' that happened yesterday between him and his Suga-hyung was pretty...disturbing. What made it more disturbing was that every time he remembered it, there would be a strange sensation in his stomach and he felt like shivering a little.
To think of it, maybe it would just be better if he did not let his mind stray on the 'thing'. It's such a dangerous place. Jimin just couldn't... He couldn't believe that he had actually enjoyed it. Even lost himself in it. Ugh, that was so embarrassing.
Shit. He wondered what Tae and Kookie would say once he shared to them what happened.
Now, Jimin's mind wondered off to his two best friends who were probably worried sick. They never went on a day without contacting each other, might it be hanging out in person or just chatting in their group chat. He didn't even have his phone with him. Though, it's not like Suga would let Jimin use his phone even if he had it.
"Oh, you're awake. Are you hungry?"
The younger boy jumped slightly, startled by the sudden voice. He was too immersed in his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed the door opening. His head whipped around so fast that a crack was heard.
Both he and Suga winced at that.
"Uh... I guess?"
Suga nodded. "Take a shower first while I prepare breakfast, and then you can head to the kitchen right after. The house is small so you can probably easily find it."
Jimin nodded back, absently staring at Suga's wet hair and shirt that was slightly sticking to his body as he seemed to be freshly out from the shower himself. He looked kinda hot like that, with all the grumpy expression and lazy eyes. Just kinda.
Aish, Jimin should stop thinking about these things.
Satisfied, Suga left the room and went to wherever he went. Jimin obligingly took a shower, a long one at that. Yesterday had been so stressful and he needed the pressure of the delicious hot water to calm down his nerves.
After taking a shower and wearing the clothes that mysteriously appeared on his bed—which Suga probably placed there while he was in the shower—Jimin went to find the kitchen. He had many questions in his mind, and he was planning to ask Suga about it.
His Uncle Tadashi told him to ask Suga if ever he had any questions, after all.
"Don't expect too much. I'm not good at cooking," Suga said the moment Jimin settled on a seat. "I don't really cook. I just eat ramyun or order take out. But you look like a healthy kid so... We don't want those nice abs to deflate, do we?"
At hearing the last sentence, Jimin felt his cheeks grew hot. "I-..."
Suga chuckled, reaching to poke Jimin's nose. Jimin half-pouted half-glared at the older boy.
The bacon and egg that Suga cooked were so far, not that bad. The taste was just average, but it still tasted really good for Jimin's grumbling stomach. He had just realized that he had not eaten that much yesterday. The last proper meal he took was his breakfast yesterday, before all of this shit started happening.
"Hyung, what is Alpha Centauri exactly?" Jimin voiced out after he drank from his glass of water.
Suga looked up, regarded him with a curious stare, then sighed. "I guess I'm supposed to explain everything to you. You already know the nature of our organization, right? How it was created and what it was for and all that."
Jimin nodded, remembering the words his uncle told him.
"To expound more on that, Alpha Centauri is mainly composed of 26 agents."
"To represent each letter in the alphabet?" Jimin snorted jokingly, giggling at himself.
"Exactly. The 26 agents represent each alphabet. There's an Agent C, Agent K, or whatever. Each letter would then be given a meaning that describes or connects to the agent. Y is pretty creative in making names."
Jimin blinked. "So why Suga?"
The older boy rolled his eyes. "It's mainly Y's fault. He thought it would be nice to call me Suga since my skin complexion is as white as sugar. Whatever, really."
"Then why is Uncle Tadashi Y? What's with Y?"
"He's half japanese, so it's Yen. You can call him Agent Yen." Suga snorted, stabbing a poor bacon. "Pretty lame, right? Who would give themselves a code name Yen just because they have Japanese blood? Seriously, that old man needs to be stopped."
Jimin chuckled, because well, his hyung did have a point.
"So, you choose your own letter? Or does the higher people choose for you?" he asked, getting really curious with the whole letter shit. It seemed like it's not only in the movies that secret agents had weird code names, even in real life, too.
Odd, but awesome.
Suga shook his head, finishing the last of his breakfast and standing up to start washing his own plate. Jimin followed behind, stopping to stand beside the older boy as they both washed their plates clean.
"We don't choose the letter assigned to us. Actually, it goes like this," Suga paused for awhile to check if Jimin was listening attentively.
Jimin nodded at him, indicating for him to go on.
"The letters represent our rank in the organization. The higher your letter, the higher your rank is, and the more skillful you are as an agent. Which is exactly why your father is Z, the Chief and the best of us all, as well as the most experienced. His right hand is Y, your Uncle Tadashi, which is obviously so good it's makes me feel a bit bitter. That old man is crazily awesome, you know."
The younger boy observed subtly the hint of a smile behind Suga's playful scowl. He could really see that the agent was very fond of his Uncle. They must be very close, Jimin wondered.
"Then there's X. He's kind of in charge with the 'other duties' or whatsoever—looking for new fitting recruits when one of the agents retires or dies, handling the distribution of some missions, manage new ideas for devices or gadgets, etc—and also the third best. Aside from doing these responsibilities, these three also do missions and all that. Then it goes like that for the rest of the agents. W is better than U, and U is better than T. Whatever your letter is, Y will just think of any shit to find a word that starts with that letter and at the same time, somehow describes the agent. He's weird like that."
The younger boy, who had been failing at trying to lowkey stare at the agent's lips while he's speaking, scrunched his nose up. He was having a hard time trying to think of the alphabet letters backwards. He did understand though that the farther the alphabet is, the higher you are in the ladder of James Bond skills. So... A is the lamest?
"But don't get this wrong, though," Suga continued, cutting off Jimin's judgemental thoughts about poor A, whoever he or she was. "Each of us has our own specialty and exceeds in our own fields. We are all good, no matter the ranking."
"Oh..." was Jimin's meek answer, somehow shameful of himself for thinking about the unknown Agent A like that.
His hyung raised a questioning eyebrow. "What's with the flushed face? Don't tell me you're thinking about something inappropriate? Heck, you're not actually thinking about me naked, are you?"
This definitely made Jimin's cheeks warmer than it already was. He kicked the older boy's shin, but Suga managed to dodge it so easily, did not even spare him a glance.
"I'm not!" he exclaimed. Because he was so not.
Maybe he had thought it once, but that was like, yesterday. So nope, not included.
"I mean, I've already seen you naked, so I wouldn't be surprised if you'd want to be even and desire to see me naked as well. Maybe you'll even peek at me while I'm showering or something like that."
Jimin sputtered. That was so rude. This was so rude and Jimin was having none of it. He gave Suga his hottest death glare.
Unfortunately, it didn't work.
"Just be careful, though," Suga continued, not giving a single shit at Jimin's effort on glaring at him. "I'm an agent, I'll know if someone is peeping at me."
The older boy then moved forward and tilted his head as he regarded Jimin with a curious look, his face just inches apart from Jimin's. "Just be careful because if I caught you doing that, I'll definitely pull you inside the bathroom. Whatever happens next is for you to imagine."
Jimin looked away. He was no way imagining it. Nope, definitely not thinking what Suga's body would look like with all the water dripping down his pale skin and-
"Hey, what are you thinking?" Suga's deep voice cut off in his mind, and when he looked up, he saw the signature smirk firmly in place.
"Finish washing your plates fast, we still have a little bit of training to do. We have to get going after that, we can't stay here forever."