Chapter 1: Clumsy Goddess

The sun is shining outside. A lot of students of Acer High are doing club activities such as baseball, dramatics, art and many other fun club activities. This is the time for youth to polish their talents for their future, at the same time having fun with their friends and peers.

"SUPPORT ME HEALER!!!" the boy with baby blue eyes screamed at his computer.

"Alright, and don't scream at me like that" the girl with yellow eyes healed the tank of their party.

"Hey, assassin keep formation! I'm trying to cast a spell right now!" the girl with red eyes tapping her keyboard.

"Yeah but, there's a rare monster I would like to kill!" the boy with green eyes killed the rare monster and it dropped a rare item, "Score!" he celebrated

"Assassin, that rare item is going kill us, get back in formation," the girl with purple eyes said calmly as she shot the boss with an arrow greatly damaging the boss. "Okay, let's slay this boss!" the assassin came back.

The tank slashed a critical hit on the boss monster. "The boss is on his last HP bar! We're almost there!" the tank said. "Alright guys, let's finish this with an EXPLOSION. I'm almost done casting it. 80% charged" the girl with red eyes glowed as her staff readies the spell.






The door of the room they're in suddenly opened, flooding the dark room with light, blinding the gamers.

"Argh!" the tanker with blue eyes closed his eyes

"Nggh!" the healer yellow eyes blinded by the light

"Heyy!" the mage red eyes stopped tapping her keyboard

"The Light!" the assassin green eyes shielded his eyes

"Umph!" the archer purple eyes were startled

The 5 gamers we're blinded for a moment, stunned causing the mage to fail to activate her skill. The boss monster instantly killed the whole party. All their screens flashed "DEFEAT"

"AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" the 5 said in disappointment as they lost the boss fight.

"Hey, idiots. Who's the club leader of this club?" the person in the doorway said.

The 5 looked who's the person interrupted their finishing blow. It was the student council president.

"That would be me" the girl with purple eyes raised her hand.

"Good, you're all here" the president said

"Brian Bloo, Mira Rey, Lilian Tenshi, Travis Ace and Serena Drevis. I hereby disband the MMO club!" the president declared.

"WHAAAAAAATTT?!!" the group exclaimed.

"President! You can't be serious" the boy with blue eyes also known as Brian said

"Yeah, this club is too awesome to be disbanded" the boy with green eyes also known as Travis said

"Is there any way that could let this club stay? The girl with yellow eyes also known as Lilian asked.

"No, the school already signed the disbandment of this club" the president replied

"You can't do this to us! This club is too important" the girl with red eyes also known as Mira complained.

"As a club leader, I'm shocked that you just removed our club without our consent" the girl with purple eyes also known as Serena said

"Consent? We don't need your permission for procrastinators like you, this club hasn't contributed to the school in any way. You slackers haven't done anything but play games!" the president yelled

The club tried to say something in defense but they can't find an excuse that would make the club stay.

"Now, disconnect the computers, pack up your things and leave this clubroom to someone who could actually find use to this room" the president walked away.

The president came back again and said "That includes all your eroge in the closet, Travis" And left the club for real

"Come on, dude" Travis whined


The club started to pack up their equipment and gadgets

"I can't believe this club is going away" Mira said unplugging her keyboard with a lot of stickers

"After all we've been through to make this club" Brian said as he put his PC in the box

"Yeah man, how could they do this to us?" Travis sorting his mountain of eroge in the closet

"We don't have a choice, it's the order of the school" Serena opening the curtains of the windows.

The whole club was upset. They really worked hard to make this club possible. Even if the other students teased them from being the 'most otaku club ever'.

"Hey, guys. Can we still play games after this club is gone?" Lilian said with a sad expression on her face, "My dad won't let me play at my home"

"Me too, my parents hate me playing games" Serena said

"I don't even have my own PC" Mira said

The club was silent

"Hey, don't say that! We'll find a way to play games together. Am I right guys?" Lilian encouraged the group

One by one, the eyes of the group started filled with hope

"Yeah! After all, we're friends right?" Travis said just finished packing up his eroge

"It would take a lot more of that to kill the 'HOPE party'" Serena said with a smile

"You're right. I shouldn't worry like that" Mira joined in

"We worked hard for this. No matter what happens in the future, we'll always stick together! Are you with me?" Brian raised his fist up and the other members also did the same and yelled in celebration

"Yeah!" they shouted all together with big smiles on their faces. The 5 friends were filled with hope and determination

"Come on you guys. We still need to pack up" Brian said. The whole club laughed at their own hijinks

"Hey, what's that bright thing on the horizon?" Travis said as he stared into the sunset

"It's called the 'sun', idiot" Serena said as she arranges the boxes

"No, the bright thing besides the sun" Travis replied as he pointed to the side of the horizon

"Wait, I can see it too" Lilian as she drew closer to the window

"What?" the other 3 looked also, they started to get curious about the thing that caught Travis and Lilian's attention

There is something shining beside the sun. It's colored pure white, unlike the orange sunset.

"It's getting brighter" Mira shielded her eyes to the glare

"What is that?" Serena questioned herself

"WAIT!" "EVERYONE THAT'S-" Brian was cut off by a very bright light enveloping them


The group woke up in a strange room full of white stars in a dark room.

"Guys, you're awake!" Travis said as he looked at his friends with worry

"Where are we?" Lilian inspected the room full of stars, she held the side of her head. It feels like something hit her in the head

"I don't know. But it seems we're all here" Serena said

"There's nothing here" Mira looked over the horizon. That would be the case if there is one. The room looks endless.

"What is this place?" Brian looked over the stars

"Hello, everyone" the group heard a voice in their heads

"What was that?!" Mira looked everywhere

"I don't know" Lilian huddled closer to the group

"What if it's inside our heads?" Travis hold his head

"Um guys, I'm right here"

The group turned around and saw an upside-down 5-year-old girl with twin white pigtails wearing a white dress full of stars.

"AHHHHHH!!!" the group screamed

The girl spun in the air and landed in front of them with a cute pose

"W-Who are you?" Brian said

"I'm HOPE, guardian of HOPE and I'm a god compared to you weak human" the girl introduced herself

"A little girl as god? Really?" Travis said with doubt

"HEY! I'm several thousand years old just to have you know" HOPE pouted

"So that means... You're legal?" Travis said with a smile. Serena smacked Travis "Shut up, you lolicon" Mira said with an angry face. The other 3 just sweatdropped

"So ....HOPE, can you tell where we are?" Serena asked

"You're in my room. I call it Stardust Sphere" HOPE said as the stars in the room glowed bright in response. The place looks like an endless plain with no horizon with the dark sky is littered with countless stars

"Okay then, why are we here?" Lilian said looking at the stars in the sky

HOPE flinched in a nervous way. "Actually... you people are already dead" HOPE said with a bright smile on her face

"WHATTT?!!" the 5 exclaimed in shock

"The bright light you saw was actually a beam of energy I accidentally released. You were all killed by the blast" HOPE said. "Sorry" HOPE said with a carefree smile

"Seriously?!" the 5 screamed again

"Oh, don't worry Travis. The blast got rid your PC and all your eroge" HOPE said with a reassuring smile

"Is that so? Then I don't have any regrets" Travis said with a fulfilling smile

"😒" the group looked at Travis

"So anyway. Since I killed you 5 by accident. I'll let you guys be reborn to another world" HOPE said

"Really?" Lilian said

"Really, this world is like an RPG game. Full with magic and adventurers" HOPE explained with granduer in her voice

"Oh! This sounds like those trashy isekai light novels I've been reading! The one with OP powers and magic!" Travis chirped up

Brian looked at his friend with disapproval"Come on, Travis. There's no way that woul-"

"Actually, that's exactly the situation right now!" HOPE interrupted

"SERIOUSLY?" the blue-haired boy said in shock

"Ohhhh..." the other 3 sparkled in interest. After all, they all have been playing RPG games all the time. And to hear that they could live like one is definitely an interesting premise

"Naturally, like any other cliche isekai novel. I'm going to give you each of you a special cheat skill to help your adventures" HOPE said

A closet popped up in existence and HOPE rummaged into the closet. "Let's see" HOPE grabbed a lot of colorful glowing orbs

"Okay, you can choose a special skill that you can give you an-"

"No thanks" Brian said

"Wait, what?" HOPE was dumbfounded

"We don't need a special cheat skill. Being reborn is enough" Brian replied

"Why not?" HOPE asked

"Listen HOPE, since we became a party. We pledged ourselves to never cheat in any way in a game" Mira said

"Yeah, we want to play fair and square" Travis continued

"To become strong without any shortcuts" Lilian said

"We're not going take the power if it makes us too powerful for others to beat us" Serena added

HOPE was shocked at the group's resolve. "Oh, so fair and square huh" HOPE whispered so they wouldn't hear

"Alright! If that what you wanted, then I'll let you people be reborn without any cheat skill" HOPE smiled

The group nodded in approval

"I'll just return these stuff back" HOPE is really struggling to carry all the orbs

One of the orbs fell down on the floor...

"WHOOOOPPS!!!" HOPE stepped on the orb causing her to slip, scattering all the orbs in the air.

All of the orbs started to fell down and came in contact with the group

"Huh?" All the blue orbs came in contact with Brian

"What?" All of the yellow orbs touched Lilian

"Hey!" All of the red orbs came to Mira

"Whoa!" All of the green orbs hit Travis

"Wait!" All of the purple orbs went to Serena

"Ahhhhhh!" the group was transported to another world

"Uh oh, this may be a problem" HOPE said with a worried look on her face

[We're Too Much of a Hero]