Chapter 2: A Normal Another World Tutorial

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the group is falling

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" the group is still falling


"Wow, this is really taking a long time" Mira commented

"What did you expect? We're literally falling to another world" Serena replied

"I guess that makes sense" Lilian still falling




"While we're falling, do you guys want to play a game?" Travis said breaking the silence

"What kind of game?" Brian asked

"Ok. The girls will throw the boys down, whoever gets the lowest wins" Travis explained

"Alright, let's do it. I'm starting to get bored" Mira grabbed Brian and Lilian grabbed Travis. "Wait, is this a bit-" Brian tried to say but was interrupted by Travis yelling "GO!!!" The girl threw the boys downward

"Yes! I won!" Mira celebrated as she threw Brian the lowest

"Noice!" Travis thumbs up, Brian covered his eyes as his face turned red.

"Why are you covering your eyes?" Lilian said. Then the girls realized what's going on.

"Kyaahh!!" the girls blushed as they covered their panties from the boy's lower view

"I'm sorry!" Brian still covering and Travis is having a nosebleed. The girls grabbed the boys in the head. They glared with an evil look on the boys. The boys sweat nervously

"Girls, spin them" Serena said menacingly. Mira and Lilian spun the boys violently, And since they're falling, the boys spun endlessly.

"Make it stop!" Brian said

"Um, guys. I think I see the bottom" Lilian stared at the bottom. A large glowing circle is started to appear

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The group screamed

The group entered the circle




The group landed at a lake. Seconds later, The girls emerged to the surface, gasping for air

"I guess we're here" Mira held her head.

"Guys, look" Lilian pointed at the surroundings

They're surrounded by several shining crystal trees that sparkle in every color. They looked at the clouds and saw some floating islands and some giant butterflies fluttering around

"Woah, this place is- Huh?" Mira stopped admiring the scenery and noticed something

They're naked

"What the?!" Mira covered her nude body "WHY ARE WE NAKED?!!"

The 2 other girls covered themselves as well. The boys emerged to the lake still dizzy from the fall

"Are we there yet?" Travis said with swirls for eyes. Brian regains his balance and saw the girls naked "Uhhhhh"


"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT, PERVERTS!!!" Serena punches both of the guys knocking them out.

"Found you!" HOPE appeared in front of them upside down

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" the group screamed in surprise again

"Will you stop doing that?!" Mira exclaimed at HOPE

"But it's fun" the deity said with a teasing smile

"Why are we naked?!" Lilian complained

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that you can't bring objects from your original world here. That includes your otherworldly clothes" HOPE explained

"Well enough of that. Welcome to Fantasia! A world full of magic and adventures! Here in Fantasia, magic is categorized by 6 base elements such as Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Lig-"

"HELLO, WE'RE STILL NAKED OVER HERE!!!" Mira said as she continued to cover her unmentionables

"Oh yeah. Wait just a minute" HOPE said casually. HOPE looked over the forest and saw a shrub. She began to cut off leaves off it and combine it together with some vines.

"Ta-da! !" HOPE dressed the group with the armor she made. A panel appeared in front of everyone


DUR: 25

AGI: 5

DEF: 10

"Leaves a bare basic protection from the elements"


The armor was really well made and gives a bit of protection. But there's one problem...

They're bikinis

The 'armor' barely covers the private parts of the girls while the boys look like Hawaiian dancers

"This is too indecent for clothing" Serena covered herself with embarrassment

"What happened?" Travis woke up after being beaten by Mira "Huh?" he glanced over to Serena wearing a leaf bikini

"10/10" Travis thumbs up with a smile


Serena hit Travis in the head knocking him out again. "How indecent" Serena said with a red face.

"Change us to something that can cover our whole body!" Mira demanded to HOPE

"Oh, you don't like them? Ok, I'll make something else" HOPE looked again and saw the crystal trees. She jumped and grabbed some of the crystal fruits hanging from the trees. Then she began chanted a spell.

The crystal fruits glowed and changed shape. Then after reforming it became armor

"How about this? !" HOPE swapped the leafy armor to the crystal ones


DUR: 355

AGI: 15

DEF: 500

"A very strong armor with a lemony scent"


The armor is really good. Definitely better than a generic iron armor. But yet again there's a problem

Since the armor is made of pure crystal. They're practically transparent and see-through

"It's even worse than the leafy armor!" Lilian said as she covered herself

Both of the boys woke up. "Why does it smells like lemons here?" Brian sniffed and saw the girls in see-through armor. "Nice service!" Travis said with a nosebleed as Brian turned away blushing

"CHANGE IT TO SOMETHING ELSE!" Lilian screamed as she hid behind Mira who is still covering herself

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, you guys are really picky" HOPE complained

Suddenly a giant wild boar appeared behind HOPE. The boar roared as it lunged to HOPE


"Feral Giant Boar" *LV 20 Boss*

HP: 5000

MP: 2595

DEF: 50

AGI: 100

MAG: 300

STR: 250


"A really hogging boar that smells like cats"


"HOPE, watch out!" Mira warned

HOPE just turned around without fear


"Bad piggy!" HOPE flicked the giant boar with her finger. The giant boar crashed into a tree due to the amount of force HOPE flicked. The mid-level boss was defeated

The group's jaw-dropped as they saw a little girl flicked the giant boar-like it's nothing. "She really is a god" Serena said in fear

HOPE looked at the defeated boss. And chanted a spell

The boar carcass glowed and changed into armor and some bacon

"There, is this good enough for you guys?" HOPE switched their crystal armor with newly constructed armor


DUR: 100

AGI: 50

DEF: 200

"A boar-ing common leather armor"


"I guess this is okay" Mira is wearing a mage outfit with a leaf witch hat. Brian is wearing a light leather tunic shirt with slight padding in the shoulder and chest area and shorts with a few leaf designs. Lilian is wearing a cloak full of leaf decorations covering her body. Travis is wearing the same outfit as Brian only it slightly green and has a cape that covered his sides and Serena is wearing an archer outfit and a hat with leaf clipped on it

"Hey guys, our hair color changed" Lilian noticed. Brian's black hair turned deep blue, Mira's brown short hair turned into scarlet red, Lilian's black long hair turned blonde yellow hair, Travis' black messy hair turned into forest green and Serena's midnight black hair turned into a deep indigo

"And now for your weapons" HOPE holds the previous outfits and chanted another spell again

The leafy and crystal outfits merged together and formed into different weapons

"For you Brian. I'll give you this" HOPE held out a sword


DUR: 5000

ATK: 250

AGI: 75

MAG: 15

"A short blade that smells and taste like lemon candy"


"Um, thanks" Brian took the sword

"And Mira, here's your weapon" HOPE gave a staff to Mira


DUR: 1500

ATK: 350

AGI: 85

MAG: 6500



"Looks shiny" Mira commented

"Lilian, here's a necklace. With this, you can cast support magic" HOPE puts it on her


DUR: 15

ATK: 0

AGI: 0

MAG: 11000

"Used in support magic chanting"


"Thank you" Lilian said politely

"For Travis" HOPE gave 2 items to him


DUR: 4100

ATK: 400

AGI: 250

MAG: 5

"Twin blades of tipped shiny"


"Alright!" Travis said as he wears them both of in his arms

"And for Serena" HOPE handled her a bow with a few arrows


DUR: 5000

ATK: 250

AGI: 75

MAG: 15

"Clear as a prismarine gem. Whatever that is"


"Thak you" Serena slung her bow to her body

"Wow, we really look like adventurers!" Travis swung his gauntlets in the air. "Yeah, it's kinda like MMO again" Mira looked at her staff in amazement

"See? I told you it's like an RPG game" HOPE said to the excited group of adventurers

"Now, I'll continue my speech. Magic is grouped into 6 base elements. Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Light and Dark" HOPE said

"And adventurers are also grouped into classes. Such as knight, wizard, dryad and many more" HOPE continued

"Um, what class are we?" Brian asked HOPE

"Oh, that's right" HOPE said "It would be better if I show you" HOPE glowed white and clapped her hands

"Now try chanting "

"!" Everyone chanted

A rectangular panel appeared in front of everyone


"Brian Bloo" LV 1

Class: Knight

HP: ???

MP: ???

STR: ???

AGI: ???

DEF: ???

MAG: ???

"Mira Rey" LV 1

Class: Red Mage

HP: ???

MP: ???

STR: ???

AGI: ???

DEF: ???

MAG: ???

"Lilian Tenshi" LV 1

Class: Arch-Priest

HP: ???

MP: ???

STR: ???

AGI: ???

DEF: ???

MAG: ???

"Travis Acer" LV 1

Class: Assassin

HP: ???

MP: ???

STR: ???

AGI: ???

DEF: ???

MAG: ???

"Serena Drevis" LV 1

Class: Archer

HP: ???

MP: ???

STR: ???

AGI: ???

DEF: ???

MAG: ???


"Wow, it's the same class like when I was in MMO!" Lilian looked at her stats "But why do our stats say ??? to almost every stat?"

HOPE looked over to the stats of the group "Tsk, it's even worse than I thought" HOPE said behind their backs

"Did you say something HOPE?" Serena asked

"Nothing! Let's all continue to the Plains. I need to show you all something" HOPE guided the group to the plains fully equipped with armor and weapons. And their adventure began


"The Plains sure look pretty plain to me" Mira said as the plains stretch out the horizon with endless grassland with a few trees and boulders littered the place

Suddenly a bunch of slimes appeared in front of them


LV 1

HP: 50

MP: 5

STR: 10

DEF: 0

AGI: 15

MAG: 0


"Tastes like blueberries and grass"


"Slimes? A pack of slimes? No? Um, what do you call a group of slimes?" Travis asked his friends

"Droplets of slimes" HOPE corrected as she calmly sat at top of a boulder near them

The slimes bounce to Lilian. "I got this" Brian defends Lilian as he swung his sword to the slime

[ skill learned!]

Brian sword made contact with the slime. A massive blue slash attack was released that not only killed the slime but also scarring the ground with a V-shaped pattern and slicing trees and boulders behind the slime in half!

"My god Brian! That's just one slime!" Mira yelled to him at his overkill

"I don't know what happened! I just lightly tapped the slime with my sword!" Brian explained "Huh?" he noticed his sword cracking

Then his sword broke into thousand pieces leaving only a lone crystal shard behind "What the" Brian uttered in disbelief as he became weaponless in just a single attack

A bunch of slimes started chasing him "Mira! Do something!" Brian continued to run

"Ok! Cast !" Mira chanted the spell as the orb in her staff began to glow bright red

[ skill learned!]

Mira summoned a ball of attack to the enemy. But it wasn't a fireball. It was a ball made of water

The water splashed to the slimes. The slimes began to absorb the water and grow thrice as big

"That wasn't a fireball! That's a waterball!" Brian complained as he ran away faster to the bigger slimes

"You heard I cast a fireball! Not a waterball!" She shouted back before she saw the slimes coming towards her and began to run as well

"Guys! Kill these slimes!" Mira shouted as the 2 continued to run

"Don't worry you guys! Help is on the way!" Travis said readied his twin blades. He started to dash in an incredible speed

"Assassinate!" Travis yelled

[ skill learned!]

Travis moved so fast that he slashed all of them at the same time, instantly killing all the slimes...


And also his 2 running friends

"See? Easy as- OH MY GOD!!!" Travis looked at his injured allies

"Travis... come over here, I need to tell you something before I die" Brian coughed out some blood.

"Anything man!" Travis went over his dying friend

"When you come back to our original world. I want you to go to my house and destroy my computer! Make sure the data is erased" Brian said, "Of course Brian! I'll do it!" Travis promised as tears streamed to his cheeks

"Boys" Mira said in a deadpanned manner as she continued to bleed

Then 2 of them died

"Brian! Mira! What happened?!" Lilian ran towards to her friends, "If only I could revive them!" Lilian's necklace suddenly glowed yellow

[ skill learned!]

A yellow glow started to surround their dead allies and started to heal them. Brian and Mira gasped hard for air and both of them came back alive

"Thanks Lilian!" Brian thanked Lilian who just simply smiled "No problem"

Mira looked at Travis with a murderous aura surrounding her "Travis" Mira said, "Y-Yes, Mira?" Travis stuttered in fear


"YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Mira smacked Travis with her staff "Ow!!!" Travis rubbed his head

But behind them, the slimes that Travis killed started to reform with the same yellow glow that revived them

"Oh" Lilian said

The 4 ran away from the resurrected slimes "WHY DID YOU REVIVED THE SLIMES!!!" Travis screamed as he ran away with his friends "I'm sorry!!!" Lilian said as she ran beside them

"Serena, please kill them! You're our only hope!" Mira cried

"Worry not, my friends!" Serena stretched her bowstring "Arrow Shot!" as she releases the arrow with high speed

[ skill learned!]

The arrow pierced to one the slimes killing it. Then the arrow suddenly glowed purple and started to seek the other slimes. The arrow traveled to the other slimes killing all of them with only one arrow. But it continued to fly after killing all of the slimes and started to look more targets, more specifically Serena herself

"Uh oh" Serena muttered as the arrow dived as it tried to hit her. But thankfully Serena acted quickly and moved to the side narrowly dodging the arrow. The arrow still continued to fly as it tried to hit Serena again. Serena began to run as well

Now all of them are running away from an angry arrow "What did you to your arrow?!" Brian said

"I don't know, just keep running!" Serena ran with her friends

The arrow changed trajectory and aimed itself to Travis

"Why does everything wants to hit me?!" Travis complained

HOPE grabbed the arrow before it lands a hit to Travis. The arrow stopped centimeters from Travis' butt

HOPE crushed the arrow in her hands. And she turned to face the group, her stern expression unfitting to her child-like appearance

"It appears I gave you all too much power" HOPE said in a serious tone