Before I could get a hold of the person he vanished into thin air as if he wasn't even here. I blindly waved my hands in the air, in the darkness. I truly was afraid of a million things, one of which is the dark. I didn't quite share very fond memories of the darkness.

Suddenly the lights were back on. Everyone came rushing towards me to check on me as I yelled as loud as I could. My yelling caused everyone to be worried over me, which was kind of sweet, to be honest, I've never really had this kind of affection in a long time.

"Yah! are you afraid of the dark?" Yoongi asked with great concern.

"I mean yes! obviously? who isn't afraid of the dark?" I said in a panic, still trying to figure out who was it, the one earlier who was talking to me. Honestly, it sounded like Taehyung, I glanced at him and he smiled genuinely, which made me re-consider my doubts.

"We're not? I mean it's not something to be afraid of. It's in the dark that you can see the stars right?" Hobi said in the hope to cheer me up, as he always does. He's a person with a bright personality, it's impossible to feel down when you're with him.

"Yes! that's right Hobi-kun! Thank you all for being here for me!" I said while bowing apologetically and thankfully, I didn't mean to bother them like this, it was foolish of me to shout out like that. I just hope this eerie behavior of mine, doesn't end up getting me fired, which is the last thing I would want.

"To be honest, we personally prefer the dark." Taehyung lowered and whispered in my ear and when I looked back up at all of them, they seemed different than they were a minute ago. Their aura seems to change every now and then. From pastel-colored adorable people to darkness hovering over them, they are intimidating at times, not gonna lie, I gulped and simply walked past them towards my room.

Everyone dispersed and went back to their dorms. Then I realized suddenly that I was supposed to go to Jungkook's room for the 'going out' discussion, as he had pointed out earlier. So with that thought in mind, I rushed through the halls in the opposite direction to reach his room and knocked on his door. There was no response so I slightly opened the door to peek inside, "Jungkook? Are you in there?" I asked as I looked in through the door.

There was no reply and being inquisitive as I was, I went inside. While I was trying to find him in the room, the bathroom door opened and there was a half-naked kenma with water dripping down his absolutely perfect abs, walking towards me while drying his hair with a towel in his hand

I couldn't help but stare.

"Like the view?" Jungkook smirked and dragged a finger over his abs seductively.

I immediately averted my eyes and my cheeks heated up. I didn't realize I was staring for too long.

"you're so cute when you're embarrassed, you know that?"

Am I? I thought to myself as he pointed out his thoughts and laughed to himself while he scoured his closet for clothes. I checked out the room I was in, it was enormous. It was mostly black, black sheets, black bed, black walls, it probably was his favorite color.

Anyways I kept standing there, Jungkook quickly put on a random shirt and then told me to sit on the bed with the blankets of the most beautiful print, it had a floral print, all red and black, quite a unique taste, I smiled as I looked down at it before sitting on it.

I sat down and then we began with the crucial discussion.

"So first of all we need to ensure that we go someplace where there won't be any risk of me getting seen with you." Jungkook ooked at me with his doe-like eyes as he spoke and I nodded in agreement to his words.

"That's right! but I don't think there's any place nearby where we wouldn't get noticed and-"

I was interrupted by the sound of the door being opened, both of us turned around to see Taehyung walking in and towards where we were, he wasn't looking up as he walked.

"HEY, Jungkook-ah do you have-"

his eyes landed on me as he walked into the room. There was always something about the way he looked at me, his eyes conveyed so much more than words can. They're a vast galaxy of emotions, with stars that shine brighter than Alpha Centauri, his eyes are illusory. I suppress a smile. He clearly didn't convey a happy vibe towards me in the moment.

"Hey Hikari, what are you doing in his room? aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

Taehyung asked me tilting his face to the side in a questioning manner, raising an eyebrow as he clicked his tongue. Why does he care? Well, he's one of the seven people I'm supposed to obey but still...

"umm well yes but we had to discuss the going out thing so-"

I was again interrupted by TAEHYUNG, who then walked and stood in front of me causing me to stop and look up at him.

Goddamnit, why wouldn't he let me talk!

"It's okay I'll talk that out with Jungkook, you should go to your room! Try not to repeat today's event" he smiled at me sarcastically and I nodded simply in response while getting up from the bed.

As I couldn't disobey any one of them so I bowed and was heading out when I felt someone holding my hand and with a sudden jerk I was pulled back.

I turned around to see kenma holding my wrist. When he pulled me back I instantly landed on his lap, he wrapped his arms around me and brought his face beside mine, closer to my ear, and whispered huskily "Night darling" the way he whispered in my ear was sensuous, quintessentially.

I instantly heated "G-goodnight".

I managed to spat the word out and hurriedly got up. I could hear both of them snickering at my reactions. I was too flustered to even look back. I held my cheeks as I rushed towards my room, my face was heated up with the blood rush from the earlier event.

I eventually reached my room and locked my door behind me as I entered it. I glanced at my bed and ran to jump on it, I buried my head in the pillow and yelled out in it. That was so sudden.

The moment kept on replaying in my mind over and over again! This life here is beginning to get the better of me, I seem to be enjoying it when I know it's temporary but the way he held my wrist, I just CAN'T stop blushing! I flipped myself over and over again in bed as I tried to contain my excitement.

But then again why did Taehyung seem so upset? Was something bothering him? I am curious, i don't know why but sometimes I do wonder, I can sense something different about him, about them, about this house and being around them. Maybe, it's all in my head.

Part of me hopes it's all in my head.

Another more inquisitive part of me wants to unravel whatever it is that might be lurking around this mansion, and them.

With a nebula of thoughts of all sort, splattered in my head, I subconsciously lost conscious to the comfort of lying on the soft mattress, with a room cold at the most satisfactory point and a blanket, under which I seemed to wriggle.

The next morning I woke up at 5, dawn time it was, as I was supposed to, not willfully, I yawned as I stood up and wore my slippers, walked into the bathroom took a shower, and freshened up. All my steps were now a part of my schedule like it is in everyone else's life, to wake up at a particular time, to brush their teeth, take a bath, have breakfast, some don't, like I did. And all of this engraved in their minds and bodies, that they might as well be sleep walking when they do so. It is muscle-memory sort of.

I wore a loose pink crop-top with black shots and made a messy bun. I wasn't really in a mood to dress up, waking up this early in the morning is such a mood killer. Some people prefer to cave in early at night and rise early, I wonder how, and I wonder why? I like waking up at a time I'm comfortable at. Well, we all are different, that's what keeps the world going.

Soon I headed down to the kitchen. Now, what should I cook for the breakfast? I stood at the kitchen counter as I pondered upon a menu. Breakfast...


It's called breakfast because we break the fasting we've been doing over night while we are asleep. I smile to myself at my 'fact of the day'

Wait a minute-

SHIT! I don't know how to cook!!! I banged my head lightly on the cupboard in front of me. Dramatic part of me takes over at these times.

Should I search for recipes online?

But then I remembered my past incident where I tried cooking something with an online tutorial and ended up burning half of my kitchen. So I shook my head at that thought. That's definitely not an option to be considered right now.

JEEZ! What am I supposed to do? If I don't cook then what will they eat? Will they be mad? obviously! on an empty stomach anyone can get mad. I was beginning to panic at my situation. And I found no logical reason to NOT PANIC, if I can't cook then I'm of no use to them. They might fire me, and then I'll be trailed off my mission. I've done plenty to upset them already.

My heart dropped every time I reminded myself that I was here for an entirely different purpose. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, contemplating what to do.

BRAINSTORMING TIME! I pace across the kitchen floor.


I knew I'd come up with something.

I snapped my fingers and commenced walking in the direction of the solution to get me out of my adversity. It's not the best option, but I can't really think of anything this early in the morning, plus on an empty stomach.

I tiptoed to his room, Slowly went closer to his bed, and whispered in his ear "wake up please!" he slightly opened his eyes, which were swollen partially, half-open, adjusting the light drawing in from the curtains, his eyes then landed on me, and unexpectedly widened to double their original size.

"Who is it?... Aahhhhhhh-" he yelled out

"Ahhhh" I yelled back in response. All the abrupt noise caused everyone to wake up.

"What's wrong?!" everyone came rushing in

There! I've messed up again. I facepalmed myself at the mess I had caused. Why can't I do anything right?

"I'm so sorry JIN!! I was trying to wake up Jin oppa to get some help in cooking because I don't know how to cook and I thought if I didn't cook then everyone is gonna get mad at me and then I'll get punished and then-"

I was cut-off mid-sentence as everyone burst out into laughter.

Why are they laughing? did I say something funny?

"Punish you? Why would we-" Jimin said with consistent laughter.

I felt embarrassed and so I pouted. I felt agitated at them for mocking me like this. I mean, that's what they said in the rule book or whatever that was, and now they're laughing it off.

"Yah so fine! cook for yourselves" my embarrassment took the better of me and I spat out words only to worsen the mess I had created.

Everyone stopped laughing at my comment. I spoke arrogantly and crossed my arms against my chest.

Oh shit! what did I just say!

I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have said that.

Taehyung stepped closer to me. He looked me in the eye with a serious face, he looked so intimidating with that expression, he smirked slightly as he looked down at me, with his hands in his sweat pants. I looked up at him nervously as he bent forward to look me in the eye.

"Easy there, girl! We said we wouldn't, we never said that we couldn't punish you," he licked his lip and looked at me, his eyes wandering from my head to toe, "Don't make us reconsider our choices" he winked and straightened his back, leaving me dumbstruck for a moment.

