"Taehyung what was that all about?" Namjoon questions me as he leans into the chair he's sitting at. "What was what about?" I know what he's talking about but I don't want to admit it.

"Stop playing dumb. How can you be in Love with her? It's impossible, and you know that. We don't have any emotions that these humans have, you are well aware of it." Namjoon rises from his chair as he speaks.

"I know that, I just, I can't explain it, I've never been possessive over a human before and there's something that I feel towards her, I have this urge to keep her with me at all times, to spend my entire lifetime with her, to never let her out of my sight, to do anything and everything with her, and this feeling is just getting stronger with each day passing, I don't know if this is love or whatever it is, I just know for now, I want her to be with me." As I finish speaking off my mind, I see everyone exchanging glances.

"Actually I think there is something that's going on with me" everyone looks up at me, with genuine concern sparkling in their eyes, "I had cold the other day, when we came back from Serendipity"

"From what?" Jimin fixes his gaze at me, I could see him holding back a laugh.

"We named that park as 'Serendipity', now shut your trap and listen, I think it's time we go home for once" they all hummed in response.

"Tae, I think this world is starting to affect you, I know this has never happened before, but I think we should take this to dad." I sigh at the thought of him being enraged at this matter.

"I don't think it's a good idea to involve Hikari into all this right now." Jungkook states facts, and he's right it isn't, she wouldn't be able to cope with so much of information out of the blue.

"Let's stay a year or two and then take it home." I gave an ultimatum and everyone agreed.

Probably by then, whatever these feelings towards her are would be more explicit and vivid.



I hadn't felt this enraptured and elated in my entire journey of life.

They were a family and I now seemed to be a small part of it, they were happy for Taehyung and me from the bottom's of their hearts, they were someone V could rely on and I, now understand why Tae was at ease while confronting them about us, I was panicking needlessly.

"So let's go out for a celebration. Shall we?"

Jimin nudged me with his elbow and gave me his cute little dumpling-like smile.

"Not out…that isn't a wise idea" Yoongi said rising from the sofa, while rubbing his eyes, seems like he took a quick power nap while we indulged in short talks.

Jimin instantly pouted and his shoulders dropped, an indicator of sudden sadness on the abrupt disapproval of his plans.

"So let's celebrate at home itself then!" Jungkook popped up the idea of staying at home and celebrating rather than heading out, he truly was optimistic by nature. That is comparatively much better, the mansion is huge enough to celebrate as we please, there wasn't the need to celebrate outside in the first place.

Everyone seemed to agree to that.

"Okay then we all know what's the first thing that we do when we do a house-party" Hobi raised his hand and all of us looked at him with our entire attention towards him.

"This calls for a…" he took a pause and clasped his hands, his eyes landing on everyone consecutively. With exchange of glances among themselves, all began to giggle, as though they already understood before hand what he was going to say.

"POOL PARTYYYYYY!" everyone yelled in unison and unanimously.

I, too, intended to share the supreme verve, however,

My eyes widened at the thought of realization that….

"But I don't know how to swim" Just as soon the words left my mouth, the cheer and loudness that filled the room was replaced by an eerie silence as everyone turned to look at me in disbelief.

I didn't expect them to be shocked to such depth, a lot of people don't have the skills to swim, what's so surprising in that.

"Don't worry, what am I here for, I'll guide ya!" Taehyung placed his arm on my shoulder and pulled me close, ruffling my hair igniting a chuckle from me.

Without much thought and deliberation everyone ran up to the terrace where the pool supposedly was.

"So...." Taehyung walked to stand in front of me.


"So are you going to strip right here or change into some sort of fancy swimsuit?" how can he simply not shy away while asking such questions, I blinked my eyes repeatedly, being bashful as I was, while he simply seemed to enjoy seeing me go all-red.

"I'll change obviously." I rolled my eyes as I shoved past him, to walk up to my room.

Just before I could shut the door after me, a hand landed on the door, preventing it's accustomed route.

And soon after emerged a masculine figure, with toned abs, muscles clenched as he held the door open, veins flowing down his arm, his scent was strong, it didn't take much time for it to fill permeate into each little molecule of the room-

"Are you done checking me out?" I didn't realize that I had been staring, that too, with my mouth-agape.

"No, I mean Y-yeah, wait I wasn't checking you out, you got the wrong idea, it's just that I am not used to seeing you shirtless and all and-" before I could explain my moment of embarrassment, he smirked and walked in, locking the door behind him.

"You talk too much." I tilted my head at him.

"Anyways, what are you here for Tae?" he began advancing towards me.


His fingers commenced tracing the side of my arms, goosebumps rose all over my body, and he didn't even do anything, just a word that he uttered, just the way he's looking at me, just the lack of distance between us is enough to make me nervous yet ecstatic at the same time.

He lowered down and brought his face closer to my ear, his face was at such close proximity that I could feel his lips touching my skin, "You gonna do it yourself or should I help?"

"I am not gonna do that" I spat out instantly, I'm too much of an introvert for such an explicit action.

"Oh," looks like he understands my situation, a smile was on its way to my face before he continued speaking, "So you want me to do it."

What an Idiot...

"I-" before I could speak any further his hands were on me, all over me. And I was frozen in my steps, my heart was pacing at a rate higher than normal, my breath was shallow, his hands were at my waist slowly tracing upwards.

I wasn't breathing anymore, he took off my shirt so swiftly that my mind didn't even register the event happening. His hands now lowered down, laying at my lower back. Soon after my trousers were off my body as well, leaving me almost bare.

"You already look so tempting" he eyed me head to toe, while I bit my lip, avoiding eye-contact.

"I'll be right outside, get changed." did he notice that I wasn't too comfortable? I was, it's just that I'm not ready for much intimacy at the moment. All my life, I've been devoid of any form of intimacy or touch, or love for that matter. How do I tell him that I have to, or rather, need to take it slow.

"Taehyung," he turns halfway and hums in response.

"Why did you stop?"

"I thought you wanted me to." I don't know that for sure myself, maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

"Sit down." he raises one of his eyebrows, a cocky smile he's trying to suppress but clearly fails.

"Did you buy this?" I inquire as I pick up a red microkini lying on the bed.

"I did." he walks back deeper into room and lays back into the bed. His gaze fixed on my every action, and I hide a smile. He makes me feel so special yet so timorous.

"This would barely cover anything, Tae." I whine and sit at the edge of the bed.

"I'd rather see you without it," he shifts forward to sit beside me, I turn my face in the opposite direction not wanting him to see my flushed face.

"But you're right, I don't want the others to see you in that." Finally, some sensible talk. "There's another one in your closet, go check that out, you'll probably be more comfortable wearing that."

I walked into the closet to find a red, black bandeau. It was nothing but another exposing type of a swimsuit. It had a floral print with and overall red background, with a cut out which would reveal some cleavage, if not a lot. I turned around to see the closet door still shut, I took this opportunity to quickly strip down and change into the swimsuit in my hand.

"Someone's trying to be sly." I heard the door creak while I was half naked. But I was fast enough to wear the costume before he could enter the closet.

"Only if you had been a little faster, you sadly missed the view by a few seconds." I scoffed and flicked his forehead while he giggled. "Don't test my speed, I'm much faster than your presumptions, and as for the view, don't worry, I know I'll witness it sooner or later." he pecked my lips and walked out the closet and the room. I ran after him, after zoning out, I thankfully caught up to him, I didn't want to walk on to the terrace in front of everyone all alone.

But I stopped right before anyone could see me, Taehyung realized I wasn't by his side and looked back.

"Why won't you come out? Everyone's waiting for us" Taehyung asked out of bewilderment.

"Umm…I felt a little uncomfortable. I mean" Taehyung sighed and took my hand.

"You don't have to be…It's just us you know?" he tried reassuring me and somehow it worked, I gained enough confidence to follow him outside. When I'm with him everything seems to be at ease.

The terrace was huge, the pool was so prepossessing, it was large itself, which made me apprehensive of its depth, there were lights within it, so the water in it looked less scarier than it should be. There was a mini-bar, with all sorts of drinks in it, and then there were the rest of them.

All of them had perfect abs, and water dripping down their bodies made them look extremely hot and celestial like.

While I busy taking in the view I heard Jungkook yell from the pool.

"And here comes the Power Couple."