Once I was there, everyone turned to look at me in an incredulous way.

Jimin shook his head in disbelief and smirked at me.

While Jungkook raised one of his eyebrows and whistled at me.

"You know you look damn hot hikari…don't you?" Namjoon commented and I got all red-faced at that. Everyone chuckled at my timidness and Taehyung gestured me to enter the pool.

I nodded, I could hear everyone silently snickering, I ignored them and first sat at the edge and then jumped inside the pool but the pool was deeper than I had assumed it to be and when I stepped in it, my feet didn't touch the floor of it and so I began drowning.

I felt someone hold my waist and lift me up.

I gasped for air and smacked Tae's chest for not letting me know how deep the pool was.

"You're so mean!" I pouted at him and pushed him away. But I forget the fact that I wasn't in shallow water and I drowned again. Taehyung lifted me up yet again and everyone was laughing their hearts out.

A day full of humiliation, couldn't get any worse than this.

I pouted at that "I hate you!" and whisper yelled at Tae.

"So much hate for a savior? Should I drop you then?" He replied accompanied by a wicked, cunning smile. And at the thought of drowning again, I shook my head violently and clutched Taehyung.

"Cute" He giggled at my reaction and then slowly took my hands and made me float around the pool, it was kind of fun doing that.

"I can give you swimming lessons."

"I'd love that." I smiled the brightest I could, I was genuinely happy to be here. I had always been afraid of the water, after all not knowing how to swim, always creates a certain void of fear in one's heart and makes the mind neurotic.

Later they played pool volleyball which I couldn't due to my inability to swim. So I just sat on a beach chair and sipped a mojito handed to me by Taehyung.

After they were done, they wore a shirt over their wet bodies, while I wore a rather oversized shirt and followed them to the upper terrace as they told me to.

It was a beautiful scenery from up there. The city lights flickered and glowed beamingly. The upper terrace had grass all over it, it had a marble floor at a corner with a shed over it and a sofa and TV to chill out there, on the other corner was a mini snooker lounge.

It was all too beautiful to exist.

We all went to the sitting area and sat around in a circle.

"I guess we all know what we all are here for" Namjoon said with a grave expression. Everyone nodded besides me, I looked at each one of them and then shook my head followed by me raising my hand "I don't know"

Everyone let out a sigh heavily.

"Truth and dare dumbo!" Jungkook said and flicked my head.

"Ow that hurts!" I said rubbing my forehead.

"Yah! Don't hurt my baby" Taehyung said and caressed me while smacking Jungkook in the head. Everyone laughed at their childish behavior, while my heart fluttered at his considerate nature towards me.

"Now Now hikari….just so you know it's not a kid's game" Yoongi said and smirked cunningly at me.

"I'm 18+, I'm not a kid OKAY?....hmph!" I huffed and crossed my arms, arousing a round of giggle.

"Well then, don't say we didn't warn ya!" Yoongi shrugged and brought his arm forward to spin the bottle in the center.

Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

But all this also felt so unreal, Taehyung as my boyfriend, And all of them slowly but surely growing closer to me, all of us shared now such a heavenly bond. All of these events occurring one after the other, made me feel on cloud nine.

"Okay then here we go!" Yoongi rotated the bottle and stopped pointing towards me and Jungkook.

I glanced at him and he was already looking at me.

Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged evil looks and giggled maliciously. I literally got goosebumps from the creepy vibes they were sending.