Hui Bao

Seeing two big fruits Wang Shan was beaming and her eyes were sparkling like stars. This little bony is excited over these fruits he could only shake his head. But indeed they were treasures. She was indeed too lucky to have them.

Returning home through the hole Wang Shan straight went to see her new friend.

"Xiu'er I'm back home come on let me hug you" with that Wang Shan ran towards Xiu'er and gave her a warm tight hug

"Miss if people see us like this it won't be good, we should maintain our manners"

"Xiu'er I missed you so much but you want to push me away?"

" Miss don't be sad it is all Xiuer's fault"

An Xiu knelt down to the ground. Seeing her doing these kind of rituals on her, wang shan could not tolerate the least bit so she said in a stern commanding tone like that of a young miss than of a friend

"On the count of three, if you are going to still stay in that position then don't be near me forever"

An Xiu got up like a spring and stood humbled and quiet. Wang Shan then said,

"When are you going to stop that Miss? call me Shanshan"

"Alright, Shanshan are you going to sleep or have dinner?" An Xiu replied with full of respect in her tone. She was scared yet uncertain.

"I'm never going to eat any food from here from now on so don't mention it to me"

"Then Shanshan I'll arrange your bed have a goodnight sleep"

"It's okay Xiu'er I can do it myself"

With saying that Wang Shan went inside her room and thought about the wooden box and she was curious as well so she went and opened the box to see if there is anything inside it. It was all wooden outside but inside it was covered with jade. The outer look was not that good but indeed inside, it was stunning to see the combination of black slime. Out of curiosity, Wang Shan put her finger to touch it.

Wang Shan loved to play with slime when she was in the modern times but coming here, this was the first time seeing it so without thinking twice Wang Shan put her finger to feel it but suddenly one of her fingers was cut and blood started to flow.

Before She could take her hand from it, a bright light blinded her vision. After some time when Wang Shan woke up, she saw a dazzling multicoloured hairpin in her hands. She loved it so much while checking the new product, there was a cute girly voice almost out of breath telling "Stupid master don't touch me like hehe… th.. that, it.. tickles ha.. haha"

"Is it you hairpin?"

"Stupid girl I have a name Hui Bao(intelligent treasure) and don't call me with that kind of lowly name 'hairpin'"

"Alright, I'll call you Baobao from now on but I'm not a stupid girl."

"Hump as you wish stupid girl" it's more like your calling me baby

"Hey I'm not stupid hereafter call me Shanshan or master"

"No stupid master sounds good I'll call you that from now on"

"Hey who is your master? Now obey me"

"Okay stupid master"

Wang Shan - 'clears throat'

"Okay master Shanshan"

"that's good"

Wang Shan saw that Baobao was really eye-catching and could only sigh and put her inside the box, on her process, Baobao cried

"Please master Shanshan don't put me in that cage"

oh… seems like I found your weak spot! I'll take care of you from now on.

"Why should I obey you?" she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Shanshan, please don't put me there, you will be in danger"

Wang Shan wondered 'how will I get into danger?' is there any conspiracy against me? She was not in the mood to listen to the past right now so she simply replied,

"you are too eye-catching so it would only bring trouble to me if anyone sees you"

"stupid master you could have said that earlier. I can change my colour"

The hairpin changed to a normal silver hairpin but it was a unique colour. Wang Shan was surprised to see that but given to her current status she can't wear anything this extravagant. But the current hairpin was a normal one yet unique.