Cultivate Now

But still wang shan was reluctant to use a silver hairpin as she was not too sure with her status in the family. Because she did not have any silver hairpins.

"Can you change yourself to a wooden hairpin?"

"No, I cant"

"Then sit in the cage for a decade"

"Heyyyy… wait… wait, I can't change my true nature but how about this?" hui bao changed the colour of the accessory but it was not of wood.

Wang Shan was pretty happy with the outcome but the problem now is that she was not so good at hair styling because in modern time she would always tie up her hair in a single ponytail, messy bun or a simple braid so Wang Shan didn't know how to do ancient hairstyle. Today Xiu'er helped her but when she is alone no one is going to help her so she took the hairpin in her hand and was thinking how to use it.

"You stupid master don't even know how to use me you are indeed stupid"

Saying that Baobao settled in her hair and told excitedly "Master look in the mirror how am I looking? Am I beautiful"

So this is how you put hairpin.

"You look amazing. Baobao I'm tired today I'm going to sleep now"

Wang Shan jumped into the bed. Baobao cried

"Master you need to cultivate, how can you sleep like that you are so lazy" with that Baobao made Wang Shan sit on the bed and ordered

"Cultivate Now"

Wang Shan really didn't know how to cultivate so she was simply sitting and after some time she said: "I don't know how to cultivate."

"You.. stupid master this is not the time to play, it's time for cultivation."

Unable to do anything, Wang Shan told all of her past stories and how she came to this world and about her current state.

"WHAT This is the second day living in this body?"

"Hey don't shout my ears are going to bleed". The two of them chatted for a long, long time and Wang Shan slept very late in the midnight. The next morning Wang Shan woke up and was greeted by Xiu'er.

"Shanshan do you want food today?"

Though she was told not to prepare for her, she asked it just to verify.

"No, I'll take care of it. I'm leaving in a while"

"Shanshan why are you leaving so soon?"

"I have matters to attend"

"Okay then be safe on the road"


Wang Shan made her way to the beautiful place and ate her two big fruits on her way there. Wang Shan always carried a bag to store things such as food, water and change of clothes after taking bath. As soon as she entered, Wang Shan went straight to the mansion to take the two big bowls of medicine to access the water from the river.

When Wang Shan entered the house, Jun Wang was busy in the study. Wang Shan was in a dilemma about whether to disturb him or not. As Wang Shan was thinking about it a majestic voice was heard saying

"Why are you standing at the doorstep do you want any special invitation?"

"No no no no Mister I want to take a bath today so...."

"Come here take your medicine" even after saying so Wang Shan was rooted on the spot thinking about how bitter the medicine would be. By seeing little bony unmoving, Jun Wang teased a little

"Do you want me to feed you or..."

before he could finish his sentence Wang Shan was already drinking the medicine. Jun Wang wanted to know this little girl's name though he knew her identity, he tested her if she was telling the truth so he asked: "what is your name little girl?"

"Sir I'm Wang MengYu but you can call me Shanshan "

"Here this is for today" with that he handed three big fruits and stuffed a sugar candy inside her mouth.

He gave one extra fruit because she was telling the truth. He did not expect her to be this honest with him.

Then he said "the green bowl of medicine should be sipped and drunk because and hereafter there would not be any sugar candy. Eating too many fruits is not good for health either. Instantly Wang Shan's face turned bitter she wondered how could the fruits not be good for health?